Here's my second post for the DBloC Challenge. I still haven't come up with any kind of theme yet, but I'm going to try to mostly stick with gaming related posts, at least for now.
I recently made reference to writing about some of my favorite places on the greater "Blog - O - Sphere", so, in no particular order, here's my list.
RPG Bloggers Network
RPG Bloggers Network is a sort of meta-site that compiles blog posts from a wide variety of RPG Bloggers. It's a great introduction to the world of RPG blogs, because many of the big players are here. It's high traffic, averaging about 70 posts a day, but it's fairly easy to sort out the posts of interest. The title of the post, the name of the blog, and the first few lines are included to give you an idea of whether it might be of interest. I can't recommend this service enough.
Dungeon's Master
There is usually about one post a day on this site, geared towards dungeon masters and players. It is heavily focused on 4e, with a lot of content related to skills and skill challenges. The also post play reports, player and DM resources, and reviews.
Gnome Stew
Gnome Stew is geared towards RPG Game Masters. With 10 contributors with countless years of experience, it's a great resource for both new and experienced DMs. Much of the content is system neutral, so every GM should find something of use here. They average a post or two each day.
Critical Hits
Critical Hits, like Gnome Stew, is a multi-author blog. They focus on RPGs, but there is an occasional post on video games, board games, comic books, movies, sci-fi & fantasy lit, gamer culture, etc. Some of their featured bloggers, Chris Sims and Logan Bonner, in particular, have a significant amount of professional game design experience, both being former staff members at WotC.
Sly Flourish
Sly Fourish is a blog for 4e Dungeon Masters. They have regular series on "pimping" monsters, inspirations from other media, and tools for simplifying your game. I'm not a twitter-type, but the Sly Flourish twitter feed seems to be quite popular. Mike posts his tweeted tips to the blog weekly.
Playing D&D with Porn Stars
18+ only, please. Not really...At least most of the time. This is Zak Sabbath's blog. At this point he's probably more famous in these parts as the DM for I Hit It With My Axe, a weekly web series documenting his D&D game with various members of the alt-porn universe. The group plays a hybrid of 1st Edition D&D and 3rd Edition D&D, with a lot of Zak's house rules inserted. The blog discusses the show, some of Zak's RPG creations (he loves random tables), and other games the group is involved with. Always an interesting read, even if you eliminated the porn aspect.
The Underdark Gazette
I recently discovered the Underdark Gazette. James posts a regular Old School Renaissance newsletter, with links to reviews, new products and other blogs. Great for folks just getting down with the OSR. He also posts reviews he's written and gaming content he has created.
Probably the top, system-non-specific OSR blog. James posts retrospectives on class D&D modules, discusses game design decisions for classic systems and OSR games, and posts reviews. He usually has at least one or two (or more) posts a day. Great writing and great content.
Life and Times of a Phillippine Gamer
Another great system-non-specific blog, with a variety of posts on D&D, Dark Heresy, Fantasy Craft, Legend of the 5 Rings, Savage Worlds, World of Darkness and other systems. There is a regular feature where the author breaks down the components of a game or focuses on the available classes and their features, which I find particularly interesting.
The blog of James Edward Raggi IV. An American transplant in Finland and a die-hard member of the OSR, James (why are three of my favorite OSR blogs written by guys named James??!) doesn't pull any punches. He can be downright brutal when talking about things that anger him, and that seems to be a lot. Lots of great information here, but probably too many rants for some folks.
I have a bunch of other great blogs in my feed reader. Hit me up if you need suggestions, and I'll see what I can do. If you've got any RPG related blogs that you'd like to make sure I know about, feel free to post 'em in the comment area.
Gnomecast 209 – AI and RPGs
17 hours ago
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