Check it out! I have a banner! With Pig-Faced Orcs!
Just wrapping up a few things at work and I'll be off until 2011. Hopefully, I'll get a couple more posts in before the end of the year, though.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
D&D Gamma World (AKA the new edition)
My every other week, Tuesday night group wrapped up the Gamma World adventure earlier this evening. I've mentioned the game on here before, but to recap, the DM, Dave, ran the adventure in the back of the rule book. We played through all the encounters over the course of 3-evenings. At the end of the session tonight, we had just hit 3rd level. None of the PCs have died yet, but most of us have had to make a death save or two. All 5 of the players have over 2 years of experience playing 4e D&D, so all the mechanics of the game came pretty naturally.
A few comments? Sure...We all had fun, as far as I can tell. The combats didn't seem to drag as much as what we were experiencing with late heroic and early paragon tier 4e D&D. Everything does a lot more damage, so it's easier to kill things fast (and potentially easier for PCs to die, too). The adventure, which Dave ran pretty close to the book, was fun. Basically we entered the crazy warehouse and stopped the baddies from building a robot army. Honestly, I think this edition of Gamma World is pretty great. It's got all the tactical finesse of modern D&D without getting too bogged down. I truly wish 4e came out a little more like this game.
It's been said already, but I'll just put it out there again...If you HATE 4e outright, no matter what, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you have some unnatural attachment to earlier editions of the game and feel that any updating should be a crime, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you hate "goofy" and/or "random" crap happening constantly, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you hate fun, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you are a munchkin or powergamer, you might not like this game.
Personally, I still like 4e for what it is, I've never actually played an earlier edition (but I want to), I love when goofy and or random crap happens if appropriate, I like fun, and I'm not a munchkin, so I like this game....a lot.
For anyone playing or interested in playing D&D Gamma World, there are a couple of cool things out on the web to check out.
A few comments? Sure...We all had fun, as far as I can tell. The combats didn't seem to drag as much as what we were experiencing with late heroic and early paragon tier 4e D&D. Everything does a lot more damage, so it's easier to kill things fast (and potentially easier for PCs to die, too). The adventure, which Dave ran pretty close to the book, was fun. Basically we entered the crazy warehouse and stopped the baddies from building a robot army. Honestly, I think this edition of Gamma World is pretty great. It's got all the tactical finesse of modern D&D without getting too bogged down. I truly wish 4e came out a little more like this game.
It's been said already, but I'll just put it out there again...If you HATE 4e outright, no matter what, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you have some unnatural attachment to earlier editions of the game and feel that any updating should be a crime, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you hate "goofy" and/or "random" crap happening constantly, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you hate fun, you probably aren't going to like this game. If you are a munchkin or powergamer, you might not like this game.
Personally, I still like 4e for what it is, I've never actually played an earlier edition (but I want to), I love when goofy and or random crap happens if appropriate, I like fun, and I'm not a munchkin, so I like this game....a lot.
For anyone playing or interested in playing D&D Gamma World, there are a couple of cool things out on the web to check out.
- WoTC released a FREE character generator. It has all the possible mutations for both the core rules and the Famine in Far-go expansion. Character generation was already pretty fast, but this made it a snap!
- Critical Hits has unleashed the Junkulator on an unsuspecting world. The Junkulator should work just fine for any edition of the game. Essentially, random junk makes up a lot of the treasure in a Gamma World game. It's up to the player to figure out how to use a wireless mouse, remote control, or a portable table saw in the game. The Junkulator pulls junk for your game from a random list of nearly 900 objects compiled from all editions of GW and its supplements! Wicked. Very wicked.
Gamma World,
A couple of nifty OSR "Toys"
Hey cool...I'm up to a dozen followers! Thanks folks!
There are a couple mega-cool things that popped up recently on blogs I read. Meatshields! The Classic Fantasy Hirelings & Henchmen Generator allows DMs to make simple cannon fodder for their old school campaigns. The DM enters the size of the location, either village/small town or large town/city. For 5 gp, the players can The players can even choose to give an extra 5 gp to the town crier to get some extra (and I assume somewhat better) applicants. The example below gives the general idea of the output.
Notes for the DM:
The two most commonly recruited hirelings are:
Another cool OSR thing to play around with is the Weird Things in Rooms (d100) Random Table that popped up on Beyond the Black Gate yesterday. Lots of fun stuff on there to drive those players that assume everything in a room has to be there for a reason right up the proverbial wall. Seriously. Dump this stuff in some room with no reason for them to be there and somebody will spend half the game session trying to figure out what they need to do with it.
Here's a couple examples to wet your whistle:
There are a couple mega-cool things that popped up recently on blogs I read. Meatshields! The Classic Fantasy Hirelings & Henchmen Generator allows DMs to make simple cannon fodder for their old school campaigns. The DM enters the size of the location, either village/small town or large town/city. For 5 gp, the players can The players can even choose to give an extra 5 gp to the town crier to get some extra (and I assume somewhat better) applicants. The example below gives the general idea of the output.
Name | Type | Race | HP | Sex | Weapon | Armor | Alignment | Background | Possessions & Knowledge | Notable Features |
Samix | Torch-Bearer | Human | 2 | M | Dagger | None | Neutral | Mercenary | Nothing | Unwashed |
Ulmyr | Torch-Bearer | Human | 2 | M | Dagger | None | Neutral | Failed Apprentice Mage | Nothing | Yellow teeth |
Balgar | Man-at-Arms | Human | 5 | M | Spear, Dagger | Leather | Neutral | Failed Tradesman | Nothing | Pudgy |
Beyda | Man-at-Arms | Human | 4 | F | Spear, Dagger | None | Neutral | Street Thug | Nothing | None |
Corgard | Torch-Bearer | Human | 4 | M | Dagger | None | Neutral | Beggar | An ink pot | Hook for a Hand |
Worford | Man-at-Arms | Human | 2 | M | Club, Dagger | Leather | Chaos | Escaped Slave | Nothing | None |
The two most commonly recruited hirelings are:
- Non-combatant humans who serve as torch-bearers, porters, potion-testers, door-spikers, etc. Suggested rate of pay: 5sp/day.
- Zero-level human men-at-arms. Suggested rate of pay: 1gp/day.
- Zero-level demi-human (dwarf, elf, or halfling) men-at-arms. Suggested rate of pay: 3gp/day.
- First level human henchmen (fighter, cleric, or magic-user). Suggested rate of pay: 1/3 share of employer's treasure.
Another cool OSR thing to play around with is the Weird Things in Rooms (d100) Random Table that popped up on Beyond the Black Gate yesterday. Lots of fun stuff on there to drive those players that assume everything in a room has to be there for a reason right up the proverbial wall. Seriously. Dump this stuff in some room with no reason for them to be there and somebody will spend half the game session trying to figure out what they need to do with it.
Here's a couple examples to wet your whistle:
- 3. A large stone wheel set on one wall, clicks when turned.
- 14. One wall has been painted to look like three windows looking out into a lovely garden.
- 33. Seven fluffy orbs of light dance and float in the air of this room, remaining ever beyond your reach.
- 70. A mannequin stands in one corner wearing a surcoat made from fresh meat.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Spellcraft and Swordplay
Monday, December 20, 2010
Swords & Wizardry White Box game report
Well, I guess I'm one step closer to being a complete and "official" member of the Old School Renaissance. At least that is my opinion. I felt like I was just on the edge of the OSR chasm. I have PDFs of Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and Swords & Wizardry. I own the Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role Playing box set and the Swords & Wizardry White Box box set. I've played convention games of LotFP and Labyrinth Lord convention games. I'm playing in two Labyrinth Lord campaigns at GASP Games Day. I write about OSR games, at least occasionally, on this blog. Off the top of my head, I can come up with 3 major gaps in my participation in the OSR. I needed to DM a game, design a mega-dungeon and publish something....anything...for someone else to use at their table.
Sunday evening I DMed/Refereed my first OSR game, checking one of my gaps off the list. We used Swords & Wizardry White Box. I selected White Box for a couple reasons. First, I had ordered the third printing of the S&W White Box from Brave Halfling and wanted to try it out. I hadn't played any of the S&W flavors and this seemed like as good of an opportunity as any. Second, I was looking for something rules-light. I was going to have 7 people around the table. Only two of them had played any of the retro-clone games. Three of the players had very limited experience with table top RPGs. The last two are more familiar with the more modern flavors of D&D. I wanted this to play as sort of a "beer & pretzels" style RPG. I figured it was unlikely that most of them would actually read the rule book (a correct assumption, from what I can tell). I wanted something where the players are open to "try anything" and I could make a ruling without having to check through a million rules. Finally, I just wanted to run one of them funky OSR games. I've been reading the blogs and buying/downloading some of the product, so I just need to check it out first hand.
I got together with the players and we rolled up characters. 3d6 straight for the stats. They then picked class, based on those rolls. I did let them start with max hit points at level one, because I was kind of nervous about how deadly the dungeon might be. As it turns out, it was plenty deadly...more on that later.
The Characters / Players --
Logthark the Oxford - Magic User, played by Ed
Meruus - Cleric, played by Brad replaced by Teruus, Cleric
"Dutch" Elmsplitter - Dwarf, played by Allen
Arum Vulgare - Cleric, played by Gina
Lorch - Magic User, played by Ben
Filthy - Halfling, played by Dave replaced by ???, ???
Angus Longshank - Fighter, played by Curt
Play Report
The party had left their home land of Syrtaff many days ago, traveling to Moseen. There are many rumors of great treasures in the hills and mountains of Moseen. Unfortunately, very few who travel to the region seemed to ever return to Syrtaff. They must have found their fortune and were living like kings....right?
The party consists of the seven listed about, plus a few other adventurers (OOC -- potential PCs in the case of character death), a torchbearer named Rais (NPC), two mules, and their handler (NPC).
The journey to Moseen has been tough, and, in truth, more than the party bargained for. The weather has been uncooperative and the maps have been inaccurate, to say the least. They were running short on supplies, and from the look of the storms on the horizon, in dire need of some solid shelter for the evening. As luck would have it, the party has spotted an ancient outpost on the crest of a hill in the distance and hastily made their way towards it.
After arriving at the the outpost, they discovered the upper levels mostly abandoned, but there were a few signs of recent activity, particularly a couple of underfed wolves held in the stables. Surviving the wolf attack, and few other tricks and traps (included a chest that left Filthy and Logthark temporarily blinded), the party was able to find a couple passage ways into deeper levels.
Meruus was not quite so lucky in the second combat of the session, as he was swarmed by giant rats. After just a couple well placed bites, the young cleric was bleeding out. The party called for his brother, Teruus, but alas, it was too late. The priest had passed on...Teruus took up his holy symbol and joined the party.
After discovering another secret passage that led to an even lower level, the party came across 4 goblins guarding a hallway. Unfortunately, where there are 4 goblins, there are often more goblins in waiting. 12 additional goblins poured out of nearby rooms to join the battle. Lorch was able to charm one of the creatures and Logthark put many of the others to sleep. Again, unfortunately, the brave little (and scummy) halfling was still surrounding, and eventually cut down, by the monsters.
At this point, we called it a night. There is still much to explore in the dungeons below the outpost, but that is another story for another time.
I was using the module The Outpost on the Edge of the Far Reaches, which I found online. I liked that it was a nice generic dungeon with a nice variety of monsters and treasures. I wrote up a few notes, but kept the intro as short as possible. I wanted to imply a bit of setting without spending any time developing it. I was presenting the game as a one-shot, with the potential for future adventures, so I didn't want to put too much into back story. I think what I came up with leaves the game open enough for sandbox style adventuring for the future.
As I expected, combat was quite deadly. Meruus the Cleric dropped dead after two rat bites in the second fight. Filthy the halfling was felled by a pair of goblins with short swords. Even with max hit points at first level (6 or 7 depending on class), a single swipe from a sword was enough to kill a character. I had a few characters I had created to practice rolling up, so Meruus dubbed my example cleric Teruus, and decided he was his twin brother. We wrapped the game after Filthy died, so I'm not sure what Dave is going to do for the next session.
The players took to the abstract combat and d6 based initiative pretty well. A couple of the players said they preferred it to the more concrete tactical combat of 3rd/4th edition. They felt that the cinematic quality was much more in line with the rest of the game, rather than feeling like a tactical wargame with some RP stuff tacked on to it. In general, I tried my hardest to present information about a room and let them go at it. Sometimes that was pretty challenging. There is a balance between providing enough information to pique a players interest and just giving everything away. I think learning that balance will come with more practice.
I was curious to see how players handled some of the standard "let the thief/rogue find the trap/pick the lock" type things, since I was running with just the 6 basic class/race options. It worked pretty well. I ruled some doors/locks could be pried open with a crowbar or bashed down and others would just require a key (or the discovery of another, possibly secret, entrance). The players seemed to accept that and there were no arguments.
The thing I found most challenging was being descriptive enough with the rooms. The players were doing their own mapping. Some of them clearly didn't care and were just bouncing from room to room. Others wanted to get it documented. Again, finding the balance was a challenge, but I think we will be able to overcome those challenges with more practice/experience.
Everyone was pretty excited about the session and wanted to continue, so I'll be scheduling another game in the near future. I think the set-up I have so far will allow for fairly casual play which should be fun for all involved. I'm excited to see where this all goes. I'll definitely keep the blog updated with additional updates.
Sunday evening I DMed/Refereed my first OSR game, checking one of my gaps off the list. We used Swords & Wizardry White Box. I selected White Box for a couple reasons. First, I had ordered the third printing of the S&W White Box from Brave Halfling and wanted to try it out. I hadn't played any of the S&W flavors and this seemed like as good of an opportunity as any. Second, I was looking for something rules-light. I was going to have 7 people around the table. Only two of them had played any of the retro-clone games. Three of the players had very limited experience with table top RPGs. The last two are more familiar with the more modern flavors of D&D. I wanted this to play as sort of a "beer & pretzels" style RPG. I figured it was unlikely that most of them would actually read the rule book (a correct assumption, from what I can tell). I wanted something where the players are open to "try anything" and I could make a ruling without having to check through a million rules. Finally, I just wanted to run one of them funky OSR games. I've been reading the blogs and buying/downloading some of the product, so I just need to check it out first hand.
I got together with the players and we rolled up characters. 3d6 straight for the stats. They then picked class, based on those rolls. I did let them start with max hit points at level one, because I was kind of nervous about how deadly the dungeon might be. As it turns out, it was plenty deadly...more on that later.
The Characters / Players --
Logthark the Oxford - Magic User, played by Ed
Meruus - Cleric, played by Brad replaced by Teruus, Cleric
"Dutch" Elmsplitter - Dwarf, played by Allen
Arum Vulgare - Cleric, played by Gina
Lorch - Magic User, played by Ben
Filthy - Halfling, played by Dave replaced by ???, ???
Angus Longshank - Fighter, played by Curt
Play Report
The party had left their home land of Syrtaff many days ago, traveling to Moseen. There are many rumors of great treasures in the hills and mountains of Moseen. Unfortunately, very few who travel to the region seemed to ever return to Syrtaff. They must have found their fortune and were living like kings....right?
The party consists of the seven listed about, plus a few other adventurers (OOC -- potential PCs in the case of character death), a torchbearer named Rais (NPC), two mules, and their handler (NPC).
The journey to Moseen has been tough, and, in truth, more than the party bargained for. The weather has been uncooperative and the maps have been inaccurate, to say the least. They were running short on supplies, and from the look of the storms on the horizon, in dire need of some solid shelter for the evening. As luck would have it, the party has spotted an ancient outpost on the crest of a hill in the distance and hastily made their way towards it.
After arriving at the the outpost, they discovered the upper levels mostly abandoned, but there were a few signs of recent activity, particularly a couple of underfed wolves held in the stables. Surviving the wolf attack, and few other tricks and traps (included a chest that left Filthy and Logthark temporarily blinded), the party was able to find a couple passage ways into deeper levels.
Meruus was not quite so lucky in the second combat of the session, as he was swarmed by giant rats. After just a couple well placed bites, the young cleric was bleeding out. The party called for his brother, Teruus, but alas, it was too late. The priest had passed on...Teruus took up his holy symbol and joined the party.
After discovering another secret passage that led to an even lower level, the party came across 4 goblins guarding a hallway. Unfortunately, where there are 4 goblins, there are often more goblins in waiting. 12 additional goblins poured out of nearby rooms to join the battle. Lorch was able to charm one of the creatures and Logthark put many of the others to sleep. Again, unfortunately, the brave little (and scummy) halfling was still surrounding, and eventually cut down, by the monsters.
At this point, we called it a night. There is still much to explore in the dungeons below the outpost, but that is another story for another time.
I was using the module The Outpost on the Edge of the Far Reaches, which I found online. I liked that it was a nice generic dungeon with a nice variety of monsters and treasures. I wrote up a few notes, but kept the intro as short as possible. I wanted to imply a bit of setting without spending any time developing it. I was presenting the game as a one-shot, with the potential for future adventures, so I didn't want to put too much into back story. I think what I came up with leaves the game open enough for sandbox style adventuring for the future.
As I expected, combat was quite deadly. Meruus the Cleric dropped dead after two rat bites in the second fight. Filthy the halfling was felled by a pair of goblins with short swords. Even with max hit points at first level (6 or 7 depending on class), a single swipe from a sword was enough to kill a character. I had a few characters I had created to practice rolling up, so Meruus dubbed my example cleric Teruus, and decided he was his twin brother. We wrapped the game after Filthy died, so I'm not sure what Dave is going to do for the next session.
The players took to the abstract combat and d6 based initiative pretty well. A couple of the players said they preferred it to the more concrete tactical combat of 3rd/4th edition. They felt that the cinematic quality was much more in line with the rest of the game, rather than feeling like a tactical wargame with some RP stuff tacked on to it. In general, I tried my hardest to present information about a room and let them go at it. Sometimes that was pretty challenging. There is a balance between providing enough information to pique a players interest and just giving everything away. I think learning that balance will come with more practice.
I was curious to see how players handled some of the standard "let the thief/rogue find the trap/pick the lock" type things, since I was running with just the 6 basic class/race options. It worked pretty well. I ruled some doors/locks could be pried open with a crowbar or bashed down and others would just require a key (or the discovery of another, possibly secret, entrance). The players seemed to accept that and there were no arguments.
The thing I found most challenging was being descriptive enough with the rooms. The players were doing their own mapping. Some of them clearly didn't care and were just bouncing from room to room. Others wanted to get it documented. Again, finding the balance was a challenge, but I think we will be able to overcome those challenges with more practice/experience.
Everyone was pretty excited about the session and wanted to continue, so I'll be scheduling another game in the near future. I think the set-up I have so far will allow for fairly casual play which should be fun for all involved. I'm excited to see where this all goes. I'll definitely keep the blog updated with additional updates.
Swords and Wizardry
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Being Busy
Well, I'm certainly not keeping up with the blog with the same ferocity I did during the Daily Blog Challenge. I suppose that is to be expected. I didn't set any hard deadlines for myself or anything. Honestly, I'd probably rather be gaming or working on something game related than writing about games, at least right now. Plus, I post on a couple message boards, so that gives me some lower commitment opportunities to write about gaming experiences (and often provides nearly instant feedback)...
So I said I was busy, right? Well I've played 6 RPG session in 4 days this week. Saturday was GASP Games Day, which I wrote up last Sunday. Sunday, the 3.5 Ravenloft game resumed. Unfortunately, for the third session in a row, 3 of the players weren't able to make it. The three of us that did make it soldiered on and advanced the plot, though. Monday, I played in a grinder of a 3.5 Forgotten Realms game. My poor rogue was getting destroyed. I tried to design him as more of thug/brute than a sneaky type (he's got 2 levels of fighter and 6 of Rogue), but he was getting hammered on. I think he took nearly 200 points of damage over the night and was down/dying once or twice. Ouch. Tuesday we played Call of Cthulhu. We're still working through Masks of Nyarlathotep.
This weekend, I'll be running my first OSR game. It's going to be a one-shot that may lead to more sessions, depending on how it goes. The game is going to be made up of 3 guys from my usual Tuesday night game, another gamer friend with a lot of experience with new and old editions of the game, and 3 total novices. Two of them haven't played any RPGs in over 10 years and had pretty limited experience then. The third has never played anything, ever. I wanted to keep everything loose and light on rules, so we'll be using Swords & Wizardry White Box. I'm going to run a dungeon I found online called "The Outpost on the Edge of the Far Reaches". Since at least a couple of the players read this, I'm not going to give away any info. I know they're good and won't spoil it for themselves.
For the game system, I thought about using Labyrinth Lord or LotFP, but White Box is so stream-lined, it just seemed like a good fit. I want to save LotFP for my regular Tuesday night crew. Depending on how this goes, I may run a future one-shot with Labyrinth Lord or S&W Core, to see if people like a slightly more advanced system.
I am limiting to the 3 base classes and races -- Fighter, Cleric, Magic User, Dwarf, Elf, and Halfling. Players are going to roll their stats 3d6 straight. I've already come up with a few simple house rules to fill in the intentional gaps in the system, and I'm excited to see what I'm going to have to rule on the fly. All the combat is going to be abstract. We're not going to worry about minis or tactics or anything. I'm even going to try to get them to map the dungeon on their own, just using my descriptions. None of us are used to playing this style of gaming, so hopefully it goes okay. I want to have a little bit of culture shock for the people at the tabe, with out putting them off from old style play.
I'm really curious to compare the play style of the completely new person to the people that have been spending a lot of time playing newer editions of the game. Are the regulars going to get tripped up by the lack of skill system? You'll notice, I am running the version without the Thief class. I'm excited to see how they handle those locked doors and trapped passageways without somewhere there who can just roll a couple dice to "fix" it.
Anyway, I think I'm ready to do this. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I was a bit nervous. Running this kind of game seems like a significantly different experience than what I'm used to. I think I'm going to do just fine, but the unknown element always adds some jitters (and excitement). I'll be back with a full report on how it goes and probably some notes on the S&W White Box and the adventure.
So I said I was busy, right? Well I've played 6 RPG session in 4 days this week. Saturday was GASP Games Day, which I wrote up last Sunday. Sunday, the 3.5 Ravenloft game resumed. Unfortunately, for the third session in a row, 3 of the players weren't able to make it. The three of us that did make it soldiered on and advanced the plot, though. Monday, I played in a grinder of a 3.5 Forgotten Realms game. My poor rogue was getting destroyed. I tried to design him as more of thug/brute than a sneaky type (he's got 2 levels of fighter and 6 of Rogue), but he was getting hammered on. I think he took nearly 200 points of damage over the night and was down/dying once or twice. Ouch. Tuesday we played Call of Cthulhu. We're still working through Masks of Nyarlathotep.
This weekend, I'll be running my first OSR game. It's going to be a one-shot that may lead to more sessions, depending on how it goes. The game is going to be made up of 3 guys from my usual Tuesday night game, another gamer friend with a lot of experience with new and old editions of the game, and 3 total novices. Two of them haven't played any RPGs in over 10 years and had pretty limited experience then. The third has never played anything, ever. I wanted to keep everything loose and light on rules, so we'll be using Swords & Wizardry White Box. I'm going to run a dungeon I found online called "The Outpost on the Edge of the Far Reaches". Since at least a couple of the players read this, I'm not going to give away any info. I know they're good and won't spoil it for themselves.
For the game system, I thought about using Labyrinth Lord or LotFP, but White Box is so stream-lined, it just seemed like a good fit. I want to save LotFP for my regular Tuesday night crew. Depending on how this goes, I may run a future one-shot with Labyrinth Lord or S&W Core, to see if people like a slightly more advanced system.
I am limiting to the 3 base classes and races -- Fighter, Cleric, Magic User, Dwarf, Elf, and Halfling. Players are going to roll their stats 3d6 straight. I've already come up with a few simple house rules to fill in the intentional gaps in the system, and I'm excited to see what I'm going to have to rule on the fly. All the combat is going to be abstract. We're not going to worry about minis or tactics or anything. I'm even going to try to get them to map the dungeon on their own, just using my descriptions. None of us are used to playing this style of gaming, so hopefully it goes okay. I want to have a little bit of culture shock for the people at the tabe, with out putting them off from old style play.
I'm really curious to compare the play style of the completely new person to the people that have been spending a lot of time playing newer editions of the game. Are the regulars going to get tripped up by the lack of skill system? You'll notice, I am running the version without the Thief class. I'm excited to see how they handle those locked doors and trapped passageways without somewhere there who can just roll a couple dice to "fix" it.
Anyway, I think I'm ready to do this. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I was a bit nervous. Running this kind of game seems like a significantly different experience than what I'm used to. I think I'm going to do just fine, but the unknown element always adds some jitters (and excitement). I'll be back with a full report on how it goes and probably some notes on the S&W White Box and the adventure.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Swords and Wizardry
Sunday, December 12, 2010
GASP Games Day Report
I attended GASP Games Day for the second time yesterday, a local gaming group. Games Day usually happens the second Saturday of each month. There is open board gaming, minis gaming, CCGs, and RGP sessions. To find out what's happening or learn more, I recommend the GASP Forum, where there are sections for each type of game and discussion threads. As Games Day approaches, people usually start organizing events.
Since I'm primarily interested in RPGs, I jumped in a couple extra games. I joined a DragonLance game that is using the Labyrinth Lord rules. Since there was some open time slots due to cancellations, someone offered to run a Gamma World (new edition) game that I jumped in on, and the second session of the Darves Hill Labyrinth Lord Campaign.
I joined the DragonLance Campaign because I was hoping to get at least one more regular game in at Games Day. To be honest, I was most interested in it because it's being run with Labyrinth Lord. I'm not really familiar DragonLance. I know the basics of the setting, but I've never read the novels or anything. As it turns out, we're actually playing characters from the original trilogy (I'm playing the barbarian/plainsman Riverwind) and playing through the novel's story. Kind of a different playing style from what I'm used to, but the group is good and the DM is letting us solve the scenarios as we see fit. I plan on sticking with it, unless something really intriguing shows up in the first slot.
RPGA ended up canceling this weekend, so there were a bunch of open spaces in the RPG pod. I don't have any interest in RPGA style gaming, so somebody else's loss is my gain. One of the other GASP members threw a Gamma World game together. I'm really liking this new edition for mini-campaigns and one-off sessions. The GM had picked up the new Famine in Far-Go expansion, and we were able to try out the new mutations. I ended up rolling a Seismic Plagueweilder name Dirty Girt. I mostly bashed the enemies with a piece of concrete covered re-bar. I think everyone at the the table was having fun. It's a nice little system, and even though parts of it can be a bit fiddly, it's pretty simple over all.
Finally, the reason I got involved with GASP, the Darves Hill Megadungeon. We did get a third player, who rolled up a Cleric with a Dwarf retainer. The party of 6 headed back to the hill to continue the exploration. Unfortunately, we met with a bit of tragedy. In the very first building we entered, we were attacked by a mutated skeleton. The new cleric made quick work of it, but a bunch of bugs rose up out of the soil. In befitting Old School style, one bite to the poor sickly Tyrvand Dedsoon, my magic user retainer, was enough to take him down. Dead.
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss out on the next session at GASP, as I'll be in San Diego for the American Library Association Conference. I'll definitely be heading back for the February date, though. Great fun. I highly recommend it.
Since I'm primarily interested in RPGs, I jumped in a couple extra games. I joined a DragonLance game that is using the Labyrinth Lord rules. Since there was some open time slots due to cancellations, someone offered to run a Gamma World (new edition) game that I jumped in on, and the second session of the Darves Hill Labyrinth Lord Campaign.
I joined the DragonLance Campaign because I was hoping to get at least one more regular game in at Games Day. To be honest, I was most interested in it because it's being run with Labyrinth Lord. I'm not really familiar DragonLance. I know the basics of the setting, but I've never read the novels or anything. As it turns out, we're actually playing characters from the original trilogy (I'm playing the barbarian/plainsman Riverwind) and playing through the novel's story. Kind of a different playing style from what I'm used to, but the group is good and the DM is letting us solve the scenarios as we see fit. I plan on sticking with it, unless something really intriguing shows up in the first slot.
RPGA ended up canceling this weekend, so there were a bunch of open spaces in the RPG pod. I don't have any interest in RPGA style gaming, so somebody else's loss is my gain. One of the other GASP members threw a Gamma World game together. I'm really liking this new edition for mini-campaigns and one-off sessions. The GM had picked up the new Famine in Far-Go expansion, and we were able to try out the new mutations. I ended up rolling a Seismic Plagueweilder name Dirty Girt. I mostly bashed the enemies with a piece of concrete covered re-bar. I think everyone at the the table was having fun. It's a nice little system, and even though parts of it can be a bit fiddly, it's pretty simple over all.
Finally, the reason I got involved with GASP, the Darves Hill Megadungeon. We did get a third player, who rolled up a Cleric with a Dwarf retainer. The party of 6 headed back to the hill to continue the exploration. Unfortunately, we met with a bit of tragedy. In the very first building we entered, we were attacked by a mutated skeleton. The new cleric made quick work of it, but a bunch of bugs rose up out of the soil. In befitting Old School style, one bite to the poor sickly Tyrvand Dedsoon, my magic user retainer, was enough to take him down. Dead.
Tyrvand Dedsoon RIP.I rolled a new character. I was hoping for stats for another Magic User, but the dice weren't cooperating. I ended up making a fighter named Targ. He wears chainmail and swings a heavy pick. He worked out pretty well. We solved a strange musical puzzle, defeated another half-demon, and discovered some other crazy hidden clues about the history of the temple at Darves Hill.
You were the first Dedsoon to ever leave the confines of Nahm and return in one piece, even if it was only two days. He will be remembered by his kin and stories will circulate through the Dedsoon clan, telling of the brave adventurer Tyrvand, who died of a bug bite.
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss out on the next session at GASP, as I'll be in San Diego for the American Library Association Conference. I'll definitely be heading back for the February date, though. Great fun. I highly recommend it.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Gamma World,
Labyrinth Lord,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Sale

All of the PDFs James Raggi offers via RPGnow are is on sale for 1 euro or about $1.34 American.
More information here!
This includes the Lamentations of the Flame Princess box set, all the adventures he's written, and all the issues of Green Devil Face. I already own all of them in print, but I recommend them for anyone interested in some innovative OSR related stuff. I'm tempted to buy the PDF version of the box set, just to have it all in the PDF format. Check it out.
Dark Heresy,
Post-DBloC Update
Well....I'm back. I survived a month full of posting and needed a little down time, but after a little less than a week, I'm back in the swing of things. I was further delayed as I needed to finish up some record reviews for the zine I write for, Short, Fast & Loud.
I was hoping to have a bit more to post about this evening. I was supposed to have my 3.5 Forgotten Realms game with Tim Robes DMing, but one of the players pulled a no-show. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it was supposed to be his last game for a while, as he is studying abroad next semester. The whole evening was supposed to be dedicated to his character. Not sure what happened, but it was a let down for sure. We did get a few rounds of Zombie Dice in before calling it a night.
I hit the Steel City Toy and Comic Convention this weekend. I have never attended before and wasn't sure what to expect. It was sort of like a combination nerd flea market/convention. A lot of the stuff there was pretty junky, but it was fun walking around checking everything out. That said, I didn't really find much of interest. As far as collectibles go, I don't really care about action figures, most comics, Star Wars/Star Trek stuff, Barbies, trading cards, or other knick-knacks and doo-dads. I was hoping for some old-school gaming supplies and maybe some horror/exploitation film stuff. There were a couple booths selling horror merch including DVDs, VHS, and magazines, but with the holidays quickly approaching, I refrained from buying anything. I did find a few gaming supplies, but not much. One guy had a box of Palladium and Rolemaster stuff, but none of the core books. Another guy have a few 3e books and a few other odds and ends. I did talk to a guy selling a bunch of old TSR board games, including a first edition of Dungeon!, but everything was a bit out of my price range. I picked up a couple sets of Game Science dice, because he was selling them for cheap. I also found the first Buffy Season 8 trade for $5, and I got to see Wrestling Legend Bruno Sammartino and TNA Knockouts Velvet Sky and Angelina Love, plus Lou Ferigno, Richard Kiel, and Priscilla Barnes. I saw some cool Planet of the Apes toys, but I decided that I needed another thing to collect like I needed a hole in my head. There were a bunch of people in (mostly Star Wars) costumes walking around, which was entertaining. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon for sure. I'll probably be back for the spring show in March.
Lots of gaming in store for the rest of the week. Session 2 of Gamma World is tomorrow. If everything goes as planned, we should hit second level by the end of the game session. Saturday is GASP Games Day, where I'll be playing in a Labyrinth Lord Megadungeon campaign. I'm still only signed up for one RPG. I was hoping to get in on another session, but right now nothing is jumping out at me. Hopefully in 2011, there will be some other games of interest. I might contact the GM for the other Labyrinth Lord game to see if he has seats. I know I have to miss the January Games Day, because I'll be out of town, so I may just hold off until February and see if anything new is offered. Sunday is the return of the Team Evil Ravenloft game. Monday, I might be trying to do the make-up session for the failed 3.5 game from tonight. Tuesday should be another Call of Cthulhu game. Brutality. Very excited.
Anyway, I just wanted to get back in the swing of things and make a post on here. More from me soon.
I was hoping to have a bit more to post about this evening. I was supposed to have my 3.5 Forgotten Realms game with Tim Robes DMing, but one of the players pulled a no-show. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it was supposed to be his last game for a while, as he is studying abroad next semester. The whole evening was supposed to be dedicated to his character. Not sure what happened, but it was a let down for sure. We did get a few rounds of Zombie Dice in before calling it a night.
I hit the Steel City Toy and Comic Convention this weekend. I have never attended before and wasn't sure what to expect. It was sort of like a combination nerd flea market/convention. A lot of the stuff there was pretty junky, but it was fun walking around checking everything out. That said, I didn't really find much of interest. As far as collectibles go, I don't really care about action figures, most comics, Star Wars/Star Trek stuff, Barbies, trading cards, or other knick-knacks and doo-dads. I was hoping for some old-school gaming supplies and maybe some horror/exploitation film stuff. There were a couple booths selling horror merch including DVDs, VHS, and magazines, but with the holidays quickly approaching, I refrained from buying anything. I did find a few gaming supplies, but not much. One guy had a box of Palladium and Rolemaster stuff, but none of the core books. Another guy have a few 3e books and a few other odds and ends. I did talk to a guy selling a bunch of old TSR board games, including a first edition of Dungeon!, but everything was a bit out of my price range. I picked up a couple sets of Game Science dice, because he was selling them for cheap. I also found the first Buffy Season 8 trade for $5, and I got to see Wrestling Legend Bruno Sammartino and TNA Knockouts Velvet Sky and Angelina Love, plus Lou Ferigno, Richard Kiel, and Priscilla Barnes. I saw some cool Planet of the Apes toys, but I decided that I needed another thing to collect like I needed a hole in my head. There were a bunch of people in (mostly Star Wars) costumes walking around, which was entertaining. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon for sure. I'll probably be back for the spring show in March.
Lots of gaming in store for the rest of the week. Session 2 of Gamma World is tomorrow. If everything goes as planned, we should hit second level by the end of the game session. Saturday is GASP Games Day, where I'll be playing in a Labyrinth Lord Megadungeon campaign. I'm still only signed up for one RPG. I was hoping to get in on another session, but right now nothing is jumping out at me. Hopefully in 2011, there will be some other games of interest. I might contact the GM for the other Labyrinth Lord game to see if he has seats. I know I have to miss the January Games Day, because I'll be out of town, so I may just hold off until February and see if anything new is offered. Sunday is the return of the Team Evil Ravenloft game. Monday, I might be trying to do the make-up session for the failed 3.5 game from tonight. Tuesday should be another Call of Cthulhu game. Brutality. Very excited.
Anyway, I just wanted to get back in the swing of things and make a post on here. More from me soon.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Final DBloC Post! I did it!!
This is it! The last day of Daily Blog Challenge. The final post. I did it! I missed the first couple days, because I heard about it a bit late. I missed one other day because the internet was being flaky at home. I made a couple posts after midnight. In the end, I did it though. 30 posts in 30 days. Sean at Reality Blurs started it because he didn't have the time to participate in NaNoWriMo. I jumped on board because I wanted to kickstart this blog and write more about gaming.
I threw all my posts into a word processor, because I was curious about word count. NaNoWriMo says 50,000 words constitutes a novel. I was curious as to how close I got to that number this month. After stripping out the dates, tags, and other extraneous text, I ended up with almost 20,000 words.Maybe not a novel, but certainly in the "novella" range.
So what did I learn? Well, I learned that I could write something about gaming everyday and have fun doing it. Sure there were some lean days. Days without inspiration or a lot of time, but I forced myself to get something in writing. I learned that at least some people find what I'm writing to be interesting, and people were paying enough attention to actually comment on my posts. I discovered some new and interesting blogs and projects. I ended up buying a bunch more OSR related games and supplements. I learned that I enjoy writing about the games I'm playing and the games I'm interested in playing. I decided that I want this blog to be primarily related to gaming, generally, and RPGs, specifically. I also learned that I probably won't ever be one of those daily bloggers. That said, I think I can keep this thing alive for a little while. I know I'm still fresh and in that window of time where blogs tend to fizzle out.
So yeah...not much else to talk about today. I'll probably take tomorrow off, and maybe the next day, too, but I hope to keep posting. There will be more reports from GASP Game Days, reviews of the stuff I'm reading and playing, and game reports. I hope to use this space to continue the work I've started on my campaign world. Eventually, I hope to post some house rules and game materials for some of those games I'm playing. I even have a game design idea sitting on the back burner. Just a thought right now, really, but if I manage to turn it into something more, you're definitely going to hear about it here.
So thanks to everyone who has been reading, commenting and complimenting me on the stuff I've posted so far...and to paraphrase the Big Boys, "Now go start your own [blog]!"
I threw all my posts into a word processor, because I was curious about word count. NaNoWriMo says 50,000 words constitutes a novel. I was curious as to how close I got to that number this month. After stripping out the dates, tags, and other extraneous text, I ended up with almost 20,000 words.Maybe not a novel, but certainly in the "novella" range.
So what did I learn? Well, I learned that I could write something about gaming everyday and have fun doing it. Sure there were some lean days. Days without inspiration or a lot of time, but I forced myself to get something in writing. I learned that at least some people find what I'm writing to be interesting, and people were paying enough attention to actually comment on my posts. I discovered some new and interesting blogs and projects. I ended up buying a bunch more OSR related games and supplements. I learned that I enjoy writing about the games I'm playing and the games I'm interested in playing. I decided that I want this blog to be primarily related to gaming, generally, and RPGs, specifically. I also learned that I probably won't ever be one of those daily bloggers. That said, I think I can keep this thing alive for a little while. I know I'm still fresh and in that window of time where blogs tend to fizzle out.
So yeah...not much else to talk about today. I'll probably take tomorrow off, and maybe the next day, too, but I hope to keep posting. There will be more reports from GASP Game Days, reviews of the stuff I'm reading and playing, and game reports. I hope to use this space to continue the work I've started on my campaign world. Eventually, I hope to post some house rules and game materials for some of those games I'm playing. I even have a game design idea sitting on the back burner. Just a thought right now, really, but if I manage to turn it into something more, you're definitely going to hear about it here.
So thanks to everyone who has been reading, commenting and complimenting me on the stuff I've posted so far...and to paraphrase the Big Boys, "Now go start your own [blog]!"
HEX character generation
Here it is...the eve of the last day of Daily Blog Challenge. Today, I'm going to walk through the process of creating a character using the rules in Hollow Earth Expedition. It's going to be sort of a live blogging experience. Keep in mind, I've only played about a 10 minute demo of the game. I've never seen in played otherwise. I've read most of the rule book, though.
Step 1: Archetype
Since this is my first attempt at character generation, I'm going to go with one of the archetypes in the book. I'm going to go with Soldier, since there isn't an example in the book. The adventure I'm planning on running for my players will likely have some government connection to kick it off, so offering a soldier as a pre-gen makes sense. Apologies ahead of time to any military folks in the audience. My military experience doesn't extend much past watching "The Dirty Dozen" a couple times.
Step 2: Motivation
Again, there is the option to select between the motivations in the book and making up your own. I'm going with a motivation Duty. Kind of cliched for the Soldier, I suppose, but I'm just feeling things out right now.
Step 3: Attributes
Starting characters have 15 points to spend on starting attributes. You have to spread them between 6 attributes. Nothing can be over 5 or under 1 (so essentially 6 of your points are accounted for off the bat). I decided this guy was some sort of sniper, so I gave him a 4 in Dexterity and a 3s in Strength and Intelligence. He's got 2s in Body and Willpower, so he's a bit of a glass-jaw for now, but that's okay. That left me with 1 left for charisma. He's not so good in social situations. Maybe he's a bit "backwoods" or something?
Step 4: Secondary Attributes
Secondary attributes are based directly what you selected for Step 3. You just fill in the blanks. I ended up with a Move and Initiative of 7, Defense of 6, and Perception of 5. I think that works for the character concept.
Step 5: Skills
Here's where you determine what your character is good at. Since I was going with the military sniper motif, I gave his some ranks in firearms with a rifle specialization. He also has Brawl and Melee (with a spear specialization, which applies to the bayonet on the rifle). I also gave him Larceny, with a specialization in Security and Stealth with Camouflage specialization (for entering and hiding in those good sniping spots).
Step 6: Talents and Resources
You start with one talent or resource. I chose to the resource Rank.
Step 7: Flaws
I chose Superstitious. I decided the character has a lucky lighter that he rubs and fiddles with all the time. If he loses the lighter, he's psychs himself out and is less effective.
Step 8: Experience
You start with an additional 15 points to spend, but the skills and attributes aren't as cheap now. Since he's supposed to be a sniper, I spent all 15 to get the Accuracy talent, which allows him to ignore -2 worth of penalty on a called shot.
Step 9: Finishing touches
I equipped the guy with a .30-06, a bayonet, and a Colt M1911 pistol, general adventuring gear including a backpack, binoculars, fatigues, rope, a scope, and a few other things. It's more than $100 listed in the book, but I'm using my Rank resource to justify it. I still need to write a bit of background for the character, but it's coming together nicely.
Step 10: Style
He's going to get a style-point for the flaw. I'll give him a couple more once I write that background.
That's it. Mechanically, I was able to throw this together in about an hour, with no previous experience. That said, I had a pretty well defined, and simple, character in mind when I started. I'm sort of tossing around the idea of letting the players come up with the characters, rather than just jamming pre-gens in their faces, but it could be a bit too time consuming, considering I'm the only one with the book.
Step 1: Archetype
Since this is my first attempt at character generation, I'm going to go with one of the archetypes in the book. I'm going to go with Soldier, since there isn't an example in the book. The adventure I'm planning on running for my players will likely have some government connection to kick it off, so offering a soldier as a pre-gen makes sense. Apologies ahead of time to any military folks in the audience. My military experience doesn't extend much past watching "The Dirty Dozen" a couple times.
Step 2: Motivation
Again, there is the option to select between the motivations in the book and making up your own. I'm going with a motivation Duty. Kind of cliched for the Soldier, I suppose, but I'm just feeling things out right now.
Step 3: Attributes
Starting characters have 15 points to spend on starting attributes. You have to spread them between 6 attributes. Nothing can be over 5 or under 1 (so essentially 6 of your points are accounted for off the bat). I decided this guy was some sort of sniper, so I gave him a 4 in Dexterity and a 3s in Strength and Intelligence. He's got 2s in Body and Willpower, so he's a bit of a glass-jaw for now, but that's okay. That left me with 1 left for charisma. He's not so good in social situations. Maybe he's a bit "backwoods" or something?
Step 4: Secondary Attributes
Secondary attributes are based directly what you selected for Step 3. You just fill in the blanks. I ended up with a Move and Initiative of 7, Defense of 6, and Perception of 5. I think that works for the character concept.
Step 5: Skills
Here's where you determine what your character is good at. Since I was going with the military sniper motif, I gave his some ranks in firearms with a rifle specialization. He also has Brawl and Melee (with a spear specialization, which applies to the bayonet on the rifle). I also gave him Larceny, with a specialization in Security and Stealth with Camouflage specialization (for entering and hiding in those good sniping spots).
Step 6: Talents and Resources
You start with one talent or resource. I chose to the resource Rank.
Step 7: Flaws
I chose Superstitious. I decided the character has a lucky lighter that he rubs and fiddles with all the time. If he loses the lighter, he's psychs himself out and is less effective.
Step 8: Experience
You start with an additional 15 points to spend, but the skills and attributes aren't as cheap now. Since he's supposed to be a sniper, I spent all 15 to get the Accuracy talent, which allows him to ignore -2 worth of penalty on a called shot.
Step 9: Finishing touches
I equipped the guy with a .30-06, a bayonet, and a Colt M1911 pistol, general adventuring gear including a backpack, binoculars, fatigues, rope, a scope, and a few other things. It's more than $100 listed in the book, but I'm using my Rank resource to justify it. I still need to write a bit of background for the character, but it's coming together nicely.
Step 10: Style
He's going to get a style-point for the flaw. I'll give him a couple more once I write that background.
That's it. Mechanically, I was able to throw this together in about an hour, with no previous experience. That said, I had a pretty well defined, and simple, character in mind when I started. I'm sort of tossing around the idea of letting the players come up with the characters, rather than just jamming pre-gens in their faces, but it could be a bit too time consuming, considering I'm the only one with the book.
Hollow Earth Expedition,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What I've been reading...
The end of the Daily Blog Challenge is in sight...This is post number 28. Just two more posts after today. I don't have a plan for posting once December starts. I don't foresee the daily posts. I may end up trying to set up a regular schedule to keep myself dedicated to writing and posting. I think I laid out enough threads over the past month to keep myself pretty busy.
So, besides Hollow Earth Expedition, what else have I been reading?
I'm about halfway through Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks, a sort of a combined memoir and exploration of gamer lifestyle. Subtitled "An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms", the books covers traditional table top RPGs like D&D, LARPs, MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, SCA events, and gaming and other fantasy related conventions. Described by NPR as "Lord of the Rings meets Jack Kerouac's On the Road," the author, Ethan Gilsdorf, travels the globe, interacting with fans of role playing of all types. He plays with a few legends at GaryCon, swings some foam swords at a boffer larp, and interacts with some interesting people spending their free time exploring fantasy worlds. So far, it seems like he's grasping towards some sort of reason why people gravitate towards these types of experiences, but even at this point in the book, I'm not sure he's really going to find it. It's got to be pretty different for different types of people. Sometimes, it even seems a bit disjointed, almost like he is trying to force some kind of theme across the book. That said, it's been a fast and easy read. It's fun, but in the long run, I don't feel like I'm really going to learn much about my group of friends or myself. It did make me want to attend GaryCon at some point, though.
I also read James Raggi's latest Lamentations of the Flame Princess module, Hammers of the Gods. A stand alone module designed for character level 3-5, it looks like it could be inserted into just about any home campaign pretty easily. I'll probably be using it for a future OSR campaign, so I want to avoid spoilers, especially since my players read this, but I'll point out some highlights. First, I love the list of books held in the library. There are 100 titles, all with descriptions, that are chocked FULL of ideas for future adventures for the players. The alternate history for dwarfs is interesting and can certainly fit within the ideas I've been constructing. Like the other LotFP stuff I've read (the RPG box set, Stargazers Tower, No Dignity in Death, parts of the 4 issues of Green Devil Face), the adventure is steeped in atmosphere. What it lacks in combat encounters, it makes up for with interesting environments. I'm curious to see how I handle his modules in action, since I more used to running highly combat oriented RPGs. I'm also curious to see how the players will react to a significantly more deadly play style than what they are used to playing.
Finally, I've really been digging the writing on B/X Blackrazor, an OSR blog out of Seattle. The author is probably best known for his OSR book The B/X Companion, which provides a continuation/completion of the game presented in Tom Moldvay's Basic Rules and continued in the Dave Cook/Steve Marsh Expert Rules. I haven't read the book, but his writing on the blog has me curious. He recently provided a highly amusing play report of his group playing through the classic D&D module White Plume Mountain. Far too often, I find play reports to be tedious, even if I understand the purpose from the DM & player point of view. I found his reports to be a great deal of fun to read. I need to spend some time digging through his older posts for interesting content.
That's all for today...See you tomorrow!
So, besides Hollow Earth Expedition, what else have I been reading?

That's all for today...See you tomorrow!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The rest of Hollow Earth Expedition
I've been putting this off all day, but here it is...Yes! It is Daily Blog Challenge post 27...
No inspiration yet today. I'm feeling rather spent. I guess it was a long night with one too many beers or something. I watched the Pens win then City of Lost Children. I'm still considering another show this evening, but I don't have much motivation to leave the house this evening. I kind of want to crash out right now...
Since I haven't come up with anything better to write about, and I'm too tired to try to come up with something more interesting, I'll go through the last few chapters of Hollow Earth Expedition. I'm hoping this series of posts will prove helpful for me when I putting the game together. Sometimes writing about something makes it all a bit more clear.
Chapter 6 is on Gamemastering. Rather than assuming the reader has no knowledge of RPGs, the book actually assumes that this isn't your first experience running a role-playing game. Rather than spending a lot of pages talking about the generalities of RPG gamemastering, it jumps in with content specific to HEX. As someone who has read a fair number of gamemastering chapters for different games, it was a nice change of pace. "You already know how to do this. Here's some tips for doing it with HEX." There are sections on genre conventions, HEX conventions, and story structure. The chapter also provides a great deal of good information for forming both short and long campaigns. There are some great story seeds and some examples of developing the seeds into a plan for a game. I think these few pages have given me enough to put something together for my players.
Related to yesterday's post, where I talked about whether or not to use a battle mat for combat, the chapter does actually specifically state that HEX is not a tactical game and is not designed to be played with miniatures. I'm glad to see it in print, as I wasn't planning on running the game in that fashion anyway. There are some great examples given for getting the players and GM on the same page. For example, there is a suggestion for inviting the players over for a pre-campaign party, where you watch one of the films suggested in the appendix for inspiration, then discuss ideas for the up-coming campaign. With this information, the players can make some informed decisions as to what type of character to create. I won't do this for our demo game, but it sounds like a great technique for getting everyone on the same thematic page.
Chapter 7 is a sort of gazetteer for Hollow Earth, offering possible entry ways and a cosmology, explaining "how things work". I know a lot of my players read the blog, so I don't want to give away any spoilers at this point. Chapter 8 is titled "Friends and Enemies". It includes a laundry list of possible friendly and not-so-friendly organizations and NPCs. The NPCs are fully statted-out, and generic enough that they could be applied to any campaign a GM would want to run. There is a section for surface world people and groups and another for Hollow Earth people and groups. Chapter 9 is the bestiary, which features all sorts of dinos, giant animals, and deadly plants! Finally, there is a sample adventure, a pretty good list of pulp resources which includes print, film, comic book, radio, and television, a glossary, and an index.
I'm getting very excited about trying out the game. As I believe I mentioned (probably a few times), I'll be running HEX for my regular game group as soon as our Gamma World adventure wraps. I'll be sure to update with a game report and comments once that happens.
No inspiration yet today. I'm feeling rather spent. I guess it was a long night with one too many beers or something. I watched the Pens win then City of Lost Children. I'm still considering another show this evening, but I don't have much motivation to leave the house this evening. I kind of want to crash out right now...
Since I haven't come up with anything better to write about, and I'm too tired to try to come up with something more interesting, I'll go through the last few chapters of Hollow Earth Expedition. I'm hoping this series of posts will prove helpful for me when I putting the game together. Sometimes writing about something makes it all a bit more clear.
Chapter 6 is on Gamemastering. Rather than assuming the reader has no knowledge of RPGs, the book actually assumes that this isn't your first experience running a role-playing game. Rather than spending a lot of pages talking about the generalities of RPG gamemastering, it jumps in with content specific to HEX. As someone who has read a fair number of gamemastering chapters for different games, it was a nice change of pace. "You already know how to do this. Here's some tips for doing it with HEX." There are sections on genre conventions, HEX conventions, and story structure. The chapter also provides a great deal of good information for forming both short and long campaigns. There are some great story seeds and some examples of developing the seeds into a plan for a game. I think these few pages have given me enough to put something together for my players.
Related to yesterday's post, where I talked about whether or not to use a battle mat for combat, the chapter does actually specifically state that HEX is not a tactical game and is not designed to be played with miniatures. I'm glad to see it in print, as I wasn't planning on running the game in that fashion anyway. There are some great examples given for getting the players and GM on the same page. For example, there is a suggestion for inviting the players over for a pre-campaign party, where you watch one of the films suggested in the appendix for inspiration, then discuss ideas for the up-coming campaign. With this information, the players can make some informed decisions as to what type of character to create. I won't do this for our demo game, but it sounds like a great technique for getting everyone on the same thematic page.
Chapter 7 is a sort of gazetteer for Hollow Earth, offering possible entry ways and a cosmology, explaining "how things work". I know a lot of my players read the blog, so I don't want to give away any spoilers at this point. Chapter 8 is titled "Friends and Enemies". It includes a laundry list of possible friendly and not-so-friendly organizations and NPCs. The NPCs are fully statted-out, and generic enough that they could be applied to any campaign a GM would want to run. There is a section for surface world people and groups and another for Hollow Earth people and groups. Chapter 9 is the bestiary, which features all sorts of dinos, giant animals, and deadly plants! Finally, there is a sample adventure, a pretty good list of pulp resources which includes print, film, comic book, radio, and television, a glossary, and an index.
I'm getting very excited about trying out the game. As I believe I mentioned (probably a few times), I'll be running HEX for my regular game group as soon as our Gamma World adventure wraps. I'll be sure to update with a game report and comments once that happens.
Hollow Earth Expedition,
Friday, November 26, 2010
Combat (and more) in the Hollow Earth
Submitted for your approval, Daily Blog Challenge post 26.
As promised, I'm here to talk a little bit about the combat rules in Hollow Earth Expedition. I'm plowing through the rule book to prep for running a demo game for friends. Talking about the game the other day piqued some interest around the table, so I volunteered to try to sort out the rules and give it a go...
The Combat chapter starts with an overview of the combat turn, which should look pretty typical for most gamers. Roll initiative, take some actions, make an attack and defense, calculate damage, rinse, repeat if necessary. Initiative is handled by the players rolling a number of dice equal to their initiative number. The player with the most successes (even numbers on the dice) goes first, then the player with the next highest, etc, until everyone goes, then the next turn starts. There is an optional set of rules for "Continuous Combat" which mimics the initiative rules in Hackmaster Basic and Aces & Eights, where different types of actions take different lengths of time. It helps equalize fast, but light damage weapons, like daggers with slower, big damage weapons, like great swords. Fast weapon fighters might get off an extra attack or two before the slow weapon fighter gets to swing again. It's an interesting concept, but there is no way I'm going to try to include it in my demo game. Too much to track for new players and a new GM.
In combat, players are able to move, attack, and defend each round. There are a wide variety of options for attacking including aiming, calling shots, charging and disarming. It all makes logical sense, but it's a bit more complicated than I would have assumed, based on the 10 minute demo I played at Origins and the flavor of the earlier text in the book. "Complicated" might be the wrong word here? Maybe "crunchy" is the better term. Granted, compared to something like Hackmaster Basic or 4th edition D&D, this looks like a breeze. Certainly not an exercise in tactical miniature war-gaming crammed into an RPG, but it makes me wonder if it will slow down the action at all. I guess I was expecting this section to be a bit more "rules-light", in line with the Rules and Intro chapters. My players don't have the rule book, so explaining all the combat options will be tedious. Hopefully, they will come up with creative ideas that mimic the options in the book, and I can referee as appropriate. I realize I can modify what is here for a more cinematic feel, stripping a lot of the special abilities and actions in combat.
I don't know of there is an intent to use a battle mat in combat, but I don't think so...It's never reference in the combat section (at least that I noticed), but there are a lot of references to distance, both in range of weapons and effects of certain attacks and damage. Maybe I'm just so used to playing with a mat in the newer editions of D&D, that I have a harder time thinking about these things in an abstract sense. I didn't plan on using any minis to play the game, but maybe we'll end up using some if we run into a more detailed combat scenario. I'm certainly not opposed to using them, but I sometimes feel like players get to attached to the minis and it strips the cinematic qualities out of the scenario. It turns into a lot of counting and jockeying for position, rather that high action and adventure.
The damage, wounds and healing sections move back to keeping things fast and loose. Instead of requiring extra dice to determine damage, the character suffers the difference between the attacker's success count and his/her defense success count. If you go below zero, you are dying. If you go below -5, you are dead. Wounds heal slowly (non-lethal = 1 per day, lethal = 1 per week), but medical attention and first aid can speed it up. The chapter also has sections on environmental hazards, diseases, poisons, and other threats to character health (falling, electrocution, fatigue, exposure, and fire, for example).
Following the combat chapter, there is a chapter on equipment, with weapons, armor, exploration gear, vehicles and "weird science". Since damage is handled by taking the difference between the attack and defense rolls, the weapons don't have standard variable weapon damage. More deadly weapons have a higher damage bonus. The damage bonus increases the number of dice added to the attack roll. A scimitar has a damage bonus of 3, where a pen knife has a damage bonus of zero. The "weird science" section only includes some sample artifacts, with the expectation that creative players (and game masters intent on offering up villains of the mad-scientist flavor) come up with their own ideas. The sky seems to be the limit here, allowing the GM to referee the process as necessary.
I'll give an overview of the rest of the sections of the book in a few days. I gotta throw together some food before heading over to Gooki's for the Brown Angel record release show. Heavy...
If you want a basic overview of HEX, without dropping any cash, check out the Exile Game Studio website. They have downloads for the 2008 & 2009 Free RPG Day adventures. Obviously, they've simplified the rules greatly for these demos, but they hint at the basic flavor of the game.
More details when I actually get to play the game and see how I handle it from the GM perspective. If anyone has any experience playing or running HEX, let me know in the comments. Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
As promised, I'm here to talk a little bit about the combat rules in Hollow Earth Expedition. I'm plowing through the rule book to prep for running a demo game for friends. Talking about the game the other day piqued some interest around the table, so I volunteered to try to sort out the rules and give it a go...
The Combat chapter starts with an overview of the combat turn, which should look pretty typical for most gamers. Roll initiative, take some actions, make an attack and defense, calculate damage, rinse, repeat if necessary. Initiative is handled by the players rolling a number of dice equal to their initiative number. The player with the most successes (even numbers on the dice) goes first, then the player with the next highest, etc, until everyone goes, then the next turn starts. There is an optional set of rules for "Continuous Combat" which mimics the initiative rules in Hackmaster Basic and Aces & Eights, where different types of actions take different lengths of time. It helps equalize fast, but light damage weapons, like daggers with slower, big damage weapons, like great swords. Fast weapon fighters might get off an extra attack or two before the slow weapon fighter gets to swing again. It's an interesting concept, but there is no way I'm going to try to include it in my demo game. Too much to track for new players and a new GM.
In combat, players are able to move, attack, and defend each round. There are a wide variety of options for attacking including aiming, calling shots, charging and disarming. It all makes logical sense, but it's a bit more complicated than I would have assumed, based on the 10 minute demo I played at Origins and the flavor of the earlier text in the book. "Complicated" might be the wrong word here? Maybe "crunchy" is the better term. Granted, compared to something like Hackmaster Basic or 4th edition D&D, this looks like a breeze. Certainly not an exercise in tactical miniature war-gaming crammed into an RPG, but it makes me wonder if it will slow down the action at all. I guess I was expecting this section to be a bit more "rules-light", in line with the Rules and Intro chapters. My players don't have the rule book, so explaining all the combat options will be tedious. Hopefully, they will come up with creative ideas that mimic the options in the book, and I can referee as appropriate. I realize I can modify what is here for a more cinematic feel, stripping a lot of the special abilities and actions in combat.
I don't know of there is an intent to use a battle mat in combat, but I don't think so...It's never reference in the combat section (at least that I noticed), but there are a lot of references to distance, both in range of weapons and effects of certain attacks and damage. Maybe I'm just so used to playing with a mat in the newer editions of D&D, that I have a harder time thinking about these things in an abstract sense. I didn't plan on using any minis to play the game, but maybe we'll end up using some if we run into a more detailed combat scenario. I'm certainly not opposed to using them, but I sometimes feel like players get to attached to the minis and it strips the cinematic qualities out of the scenario. It turns into a lot of counting and jockeying for position, rather that high action and adventure.
The damage, wounds and healing sections move back to keeping things fast and loose. Instead of requiring extra dice to determine damage, the character suffers the difference between the attacker's success count and his/her defense success count. If you go below zero, you are dying. If you go below -5, you are dead. Wounds heal slowly (non-lethal = 1 per day, lethal = 1 per week), but medical attention and first aid can speed it up. The chapter also has sections on environmental hazards, diseases, poisons, and other threats to character health (falling, electrocution, fatigue, exposure, and fire, for example).
Following the combat chapter, there is a chapter on equipment, with weapons, armor, exploration gear, vehicles and "weird science". Since damage is handled by taking the difference between the attack and defense rolls, the weapons don't have standard variable weapon damage. More deadly weapons have a higher damage bonus. The damage bonus increases the number of dice added to the attack roll. A scimitar has a damage bonus of 3, where a pen knife has a damage bonus of zero. The "weird science" section only includes some sample artifacts, with the expectation that creative players (and game masters intent on offering up villains of the mad-scientist flavor) come up with their own ideas. The sky seems to be the limit here, allowing the GM to referee the process as necessary.
I'll give an overview of the rest of the sections of the book in a few days. I gotta throw together some food before heading over to Gooki's for the Brown Angel record release show. Heavy...
If you want a basic overview of HEX, without dropping any cash, check out the Exile Game Studio website. They have downloads for the 2008 & 2009 Free RPG Day adventures. Obviously, they've simplified the rules greatly for these demos, but they hint at the basic flavor of the game.
More details when I actually get to play the game and see how I handle it from the GM perspective. If anyone has any experience playing or running HEX, let me know in the comments. Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hollow Earth Expedition,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Yep. It's true...we're almost there. This is Daily Blog Challenge post 25, and it's Thanksgiving Day.
First of all, a couple thanks are in order. First off, Curt for pushing to get a game together a few years ago (and convincing me to help DM the Gygax tribute games). Mark for volunteering to act as DM (and cooking dinner). You two got me back into the hobby. Sara for hosting (and healing). Thanks to Tim for allowing me the opportunity to see another DM in action. Dave and Allen for volunteering to get behind the screen so we could try out some different games (and playing in just about every game I play in). Jen for hosting (and trying out this totally bizarro hobby). Hickey, Brad and Paul for agreeing to play in my game (and showing up just about every game session). Tim and John for running some OSR games at GASP and GASPCon, giving me the opportunity to relive my childhood a little (and discover a lot of what I'm missing by playing the modern games). Everyone I've had the pleasure of gaming with over the past 5 years...It's way too many to list, but it was all pretty great. Finally, my handful of readers here at Gutter Cult. Thanks for the feedback and support.
On to a topic of sorts. Well, not really a topic....just letting you all know about the sale going on over at Brave Halfling Publishing. The third printing of Swords & Wizardry White Box box set is on sale for $25 (plus $5 shipping). I probably didn't really need another OSR box set, but I couldn't pass up the deal. The set contains 4 rule books (Characters, Spells, Monsters, & Treasure), a copy of the "Quick Primer for Old-School Gaming" (which I feel should be required reading for all gamers -- pdf is free at the previous link), character sheets, a pencil, and a set of dice, all in a game box. The first 50 orders also get two modules, "The Vile Worm of the Eldritch Oak" & "Ruins of Ramat." Here's hoping I got me order in early enough. They are supposed to ship Monday, so I'll report back, with opinions, once I have it in my hands.
Like I said above, I really didn't need this. This is my third OSR related box set. I also have the Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasty Role-playing and the limited edition Spellcraft & Swordplay box. All the content is available via free PDF on the Mythmere site. I even have the PDFs saved on my laptop already. I guess I'm just a sucker for these box sets for some reason. I did really like the presentation, though, and I definitely liked the price.
In case you haven't been paying attention or missed my earlier posts where I talked about it, Swords & Wizardry is a clone of 1974 edition D&D, sometimes called OD&D. They have two versions. The Core Rules cover the three original Little Brown Books (LBB), plus the supplements. The White Box only contains rules from the LBBs. There is also well designed set of Quick Start rules for S&W, for those interested in getting a taste without investing to time to read the full books.
That's all for today. Hopefully, I'll have a bit more to say about Hollow Earth Expedition tomorrow. Gonna start reading some more of the core book right now.
First of all, a couple thanks are in order. First off, Curt for pushing to get a game together a few years ago (and convincing me to help DM the Gygax tribute games). Mark for volunteering to act as DM (and cooking dinner). You two got me back into the hobby. Sara for hosting (and healing). Thanks to Tim for allowing me the opportunity to see another DM in action. Dave and Allen for volunteering to get behind the screen so we could try out some different games (and playing in just about every game I play in). Jen for hosting (and trying out this totally bizarro hobby). Hickey, Brad and Paul for agreeing to play in my game (and showing up just about every game session). Tim and John for running some OSR games at GASP and GASPCon, giving me the opportunity to relive my childhood a little (and discover a lot of what I'm missing by playing the modern games). Everyone I've had the pleasure of gaming with over the past 5 years...It's way too many to list, but it was all pretty great. Finally, my handful of readers here at Gutter Cult. Thanks for the feedback and support.
On to a topic of sorts. Well, not really a topic....just letting you all know about the sale going on over at Brave Halfling Publishing. The third printing of Swords & Wizardry White Box box set is on sale for $25 (plus $5 shipping). I probably didn't really need another OSR box set, but I couldn't pass up the deal. The set contains 4 rule books (Characters, Spells, Monsters, & Treasure), a copy of the "Quick Primer for Old-School Gaming" (which I feel should be required reading for all gamers -- pdf is free at the previous link), character sheets, a pencil, and a set of dice, all in a game box. The first 50 orders also get two modules, "The Vile Worm of the Eldritch Oak" & "Ruins of Ramat." Here's hoping I got me order in early enough. They are supposed to ship Monday, so I'll report back, with opinions, once I have it in my hands.
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Contents of the S&W White Box box set |
In case you haven't been paying attention or missed my earlier posts where I talked about it, Swords & Wizardry is a clone of 1974 edition D&D, sometimes called OD&D. They have two versions. The Core Rules cover the three original Little Brown Books (LBB), plus the supplements. The White Box only contains rules from the LBBs. There is also well designed set of Quick Start rules for S&W, for those interested in getting a taste without investing to time to read the full books.
That's all for today. Hopefully, I'll have a bit more to say about Hollow Earth Expedition tomorrow. Gonna start reading some more of the core book right now.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Spellcraft and Swordplay
Getting ready for the expedition
Ooh...another late post, but here it is: Daily Blog Challenge post 24. Yes. Technically it is the 25th, but I'm sticking with my plan of at least posting before I sleep for the day, so we're good to go...Fortunately, all I need to do on the 25th is wake-up and drive the 2 hours to Oil City then eat. Not much else going on tomorrow.
As for my excuse for the late post? I don't have a good one today. I did some laundry, watched some Mythbusters and the Pens game, played the demo of Puzzle Quest 2, and did some reading. A fair amount of reading, actually.
In preparation for my turn back behind the screen once the Gamma World adventure wraps up, I started ripping through Hollow Earth Expedition. I picked up the book at origins this summer after a quick demo at the booth, but I never really sat down and read it. I have to say, the writing is darn good.
First off, if you are a fan of pulpy adventure stories and that cover doesn't draw you in, you best check your pulse. It is well matched to Hollow Earth Expedition's style: threatened explorers, big-ass dinosaurs, crazy looking scientific equipment. The back cover features some remnants of a ruin civilization. The book itself starts with an introductory pulp adventure story to set the tone followed by an overview of HEX and roleplaying. Pretty standard info here. We're then presented with a sort of gazetteer for Earth, ca. 1936. As the depression continues, the Nazis, Fascists, and Communists are coming to power around the world. There are sections for each region of the world and an overview of fashion, entertainment, and travel in the time period. For someone who doesn't really think about World History all that much, it was quite helpful. In college, when most folks were taking History 101, or whatever, I was studying the history of science. Oh well...
Chapter 2 covers character creation and is loaded with examples for developing the character you want to play. The examples provide a pretty clear thought process for how to develop a character to match your imagination. They also provided 12 complete characters, along with role playing notes and character background. These characters are perfect for inspiring players who need a little push or can be used a pre-gens if you like.
Chapter 3 gets into the rules and explains the Ubiquity system used to run the game. Ubiquity uses a dice pool system, where you have a certain number of nice in each of your attributes in skills. The player is trying to get a certain number of "successes", as determined by the GM. Instead of have a cut off number, such as getting "4 or better" on a six sided die, the players are trying to roll "evens". Every even number counts as a success; each odd is a failure. Sounds pretty intuitive to me. The game also has a system known as "Style Points". Style Points are a bit like Bennies in Savage Worlds. You can use them to get extra dice before you roll, soak damage in combat, or power up your talents. Players get style points in game for roleplaying or benefiting the game. Instant reward system. Nice. Again, there are great examples throughout the chapter to help players understand how to gain and use the style points.
In typical pulp style, I'm going to leave you with a cliff hanger for now. I'll cover chapters 4-9 in a couple days, after I have a bit more time to digest the info. Skimming through, they cover combat, give an example of play (I really love reading examples of play a little too much, I think), equipment, game mastering, Hollow Earth gazetteer, friends and enemies, bestiary, and a sample adventure.
As for my excuse for the late post? I don't have a good one today. I did some laundry, watched some Mythbusters and the Pens game, played the demo of Puzzle Quest 2, and did some reading. A fair amount of reading, actually.

First off, if you are a fan of pulpy adventure stories and that cover doesn't draw you in, you best check your pulse. It is well matched to Hollow Earth Expedition's style: threatened explorers, big-ass dinosaurs, crazy looking scientific equipment. The back cover features some remnants of a ruin civilization. The book itself starts with an introductory pulp adventure story to set the tone followed by an overview of HEX and roleplaying. Pretty standard info here. We're then presented with a sort of gazetteer for Earth, ca. 1936. As the depression continues, the Nazis, Fascists, and Communists are coming to power around the world. There are sections for each region of the world and an overview of fashion, entertainment, and travel in the time period. For someone who doesn't really think about World History all that much, it was quite helpful. In college, when most folks were taking History 101, or whatever, I was studying the history of science. Oh well...
Chapter 2 covers character creation and is loaded with examples for developing the character you want to play. The examples provide a pretty clear thought process for how to develop a character to match your imagination. They also provided 12 complete characters, along with role playing notes and character background. These characters are perfect for inspiring players who need a little push or can be used a pre-gens if you like.
Chapter 3 gets into the rules and explains the Ubiquity system used to run the game. Ubiquity uses a dice pool system, where you have a certain number of nice in each of your attributes in skills. The player is trying to get a certain number of "successes", as determined by the GM. Instead of have a cut off number, such as getting "4 or better" on a six sided die, the players are trying to roll "evens". Every even number counts as a success; each odd is a failure. Sounds pretty intuitive to me. The game also has a system known as "Style Points". Style Points are a bit like Bennies in Savage Worlds. You can use them to get extra dice before you roll, soak damage in combat, or power up your talents. Players get style points in game for roleplaying or benefiting the game. Instant reward system. Nice. Again, there are great examples throughout the chapter to help players understand how to gain and use the style points.
In typical pulp style, I'm going to leave you with a cliff hanger for now. I'll cover chapters 4-9 in a couple days, after I have a bit more time to digest the info. Skimming through, they cover combat, give an example of play (I really love reading examples of play a little too much, I think), equipment, game mastering, Hollow Earth gazetteer, friends and enemies, bestiary, and a sample adventure.
Hollow Earth Expedition,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A bit of gaming and a bit of building...
Daily Blog Challenge post 23.
Running a little bit late tonight, so this will be posted after midnight, but that shouldn't be a problem. It's still November 23 somewhere, right? Plus, I have a pretty good excuse. We were actually gaming.
Tonight, one of the regulars in my crew, Dave, stepped behind the screen for his first attempt at GMing. He's a total natural. We were playing the newest edition of Gamma World, which is loosely based on the 4e D&D rules. They've simplified a lot, including character generation and resource tracking. There were 4 players. I ended up with a Hawkoid Cockroach name LeRoach McLame (cockroaches have a spitting attack, so I named him after the Ravens spitting full back). We also had an animated giant garbage heap, a doppleganger yeti who bashed people with a barbed-wire covered garbage can, and an electrokinetic swarm of tiny humanoids. Yeah....a little too gonzo for some, but we had a blast with it. Since everyone at the table was familiar with 4e, we were able to jump right in. As I mentioned earlier, Dave did a bang up job, finally getting to take out years of pent up aggression on two of his regular GMs!
I think we decided to go with either Hollow Earth Expedition (HEX) or Savage Worlds Rippers next. I'm planning on starting with HEX first, because I think I can come up with something good with a little less preparation. I feel like the heavy focus on roleplaying and cinematic action in HEX will take some of the players pretty far out of their comfort zone, which is a plus. I think these guys are all up for just about anything, and it will be interesting to see how they react to such a different type of game. For three people at the table, it's unlikely that they've played anything at all like this before. Very exciting.
In other exciting news, one of our other regulars, Allen, who is running the Masks of Nyarlathotep Call of Cthulhu campaign Dave and I are playing in, has offered to run a CoC one-off for this crew. Paul also expressed some interest in running a CoC adventure for the group, once he gets a hang on the system. I'm thinking the round robin GMing and game systems will make for a very healthy group dynamic and help cut back on burnout. We'll be able to try a lot of things with limited buy-in. Should be cool...
So...on to the actual content of the post. Continuing my thoughts/notes/etc related to world building, yesterday I promised some more details on the basic ideas I've presented for my fantasy campaign setting. This is a world, that I want to use for OSR-style sandbox game.
Anyway, something bad happened in this land some time ago. Something really bad. I haven't quite decided what it was, but it could have been a great war, a pandemic disease, some sort of environmental disaster or plague, some sort of curse by a vengeful deity, or, most likely, some combination of the above. It was long enough ago that people don't think or talk about it much any more, but it wiped out most of the human and demi-human populations. Civilization hasn't completely recovered, at least in the area known to the adventurers. Distributed across the land are small, isolated, self-sufficient cities, each with their own forms of government, religion, and commerce. People do travel between the lands and there may be some trading between cities, but it is still quite rare.In most cities, foreigners are not usually greeted with hostility, but they are seen as strange.
Littered across the land are remnants of the former civilization: abandoned cities and towers, decrepit crypts and dungeons, all possibly teaming with treasures (and new inhabitants). Rumors abound of the great treasures and magical and scientific advancements of the dead civilization, but most don't ever travel beyond the relative safety of home to explore further. Treasure seekers are rare, as many see the risk outweighing the potential reward.
In a future post, I'll get a bit more into the specifics of the starting point for the players, a town I've dubbed Mallatrova. I'm planning on starting with the LotFPWFRP rules and probably some of Raggi's low level adventures to populate the immediate surroundings of Mallatrova. I had this funny idea this evening, though. I'd really like to try running Labyrinth Lord at some point. I joked with my potential players that there would be a great ocean, and if an adventurer crossed that ocean, their armor class would magically flip from high to low and they would lose access to all their d6 based skills...
Running a little bit late tonight, so this will be posted after midnight, but that shouldn't be a problem. It's still November 23 somewhere, right? Plus, I have a pretty good excuse. We were actually gaming.
Tonight, one of the regulars in my crew, Dave, stepped behind the screen for his first attempt at GMing. He's a total natural. We were playing the newest edition of Gamma World, which is loosely based on the 4e D&D rules. They've simplified a lot, including character generation and resource tracking. There were 4 players. I ended up with a Hawkoid Cockroach name LeRoach McLame (cockroaches have a spitting attack, so I named him after the Ravens spitting full back). We also had an animated giant garbage heap, a doppleganger yeti who bashed people with a barbed-wire covered garbage can, and an electrokinetic swarm of tiny humanoids. Yeah....a little too gonzo for some, but we had a blast with it. Since everyone at the table was familiar with 4e, we were able to jump right in. As I mentioned earlier, Dave did a bang up job, finally getting to take out years of pent up aggression on two of his regular GMs!
I think we decided to go with either Hollow Earth Expedition (HEX) or Savage Worlds Rippers next. I'm planning on starting with HEX first, because I think I can come up with something good with a little less preparation. I feel like the heavy focus on roleplaying and cinematic action in HEX will take some of the players pretty far out of their comfort zone, which is a plus. I think these guys are all up for just about anything, and it will be interesting to see how they react to such a different type of game. For three people at the table, it's unlikely that they've played anything at all like this before. Very exciting.
In other exciting news, one of our other regulars, Allen, who is running the Masks of Nyarlathotep Call of Cthulhu campaign Dave and I are playing in, has offered to run a CoC one-off for this crew. Paul also expressed some interest in running a CoC adventure for the group, once he gets a hang on the system. I'm thinking the round robin GMing and game systems will make for a very healthy group dynamic and help cut back on burnout. We'll be able to try a lot of things with limited buy-in. Should be cool...
So...on to the actual content of the post. Continuing my thoughts/notes/etc related to world building, yesterday I promised some more details on the basic ideas I've presented for my fantasy campaign setting. This is a world, that I want to use for OSR-style sandbox game.
Anyway, something bad happened in this land some time ago. Something really bad. I haven't quite decided what it was, but it could have been a great war, a pandemic disease, some sort of environmental disaster or plague, some sort of curse by a vengeful deity, or, most likely, some combination of the above. It was long enough ago that people don't think or talk about it much any more, but it wiped out most of the human and demi-human populations. Civilization hasn't completely recovered, at least in the area known to the adventurers. Distributed across the land are small, isolated, self-sufficient cities, each with their own forms of government, religion, and commerce. People do travel between the lands and there may be some trading between cities, but it is still quite rare.In most cities, foreigners are not usually greeted with hostility, but they are seen as strange.
Littered across the land are remnants of the former civilization: abandoned cities and towers, decrepit crypts and dungeons, all possibly teaming with treasures (and new inhabitants). Rumors abound of the great treasures and magical and scientific advancements of the dead civilization, but most don't ever travel beyond the relative safety of home to explore further. Treasure seekers are rare, as many see the risk outweighing the potential reward.
In a future post, I'll get a bit more into the specifics of the starting point for the players, a town I've dubbed Mallatrova. I'm planning on starting with the LotFPWFRP rules and probably some of Raggi's low level adventures to populate the immediate surroundings of Mallatrova. I had this funny idea this evening, though. I'd really like to try running Labyrinth Lord at some point. I joked with my potential players that there would be a great ocean, and if an adventurer crossed that ocean, their armor class would magically flip from high to low and they would lose access to all their d6 based skills...
Dungeons and Dragons,
Gamma World,
World Building
Monday, November 22, 2010
Assumptions about the world
Daily Blog Challenge post 22.
Yesterday, I made a post about world building. Today, I'd like to talk a little more about this world I'll be developing for my future OSR gaming. In this post, I want to present some basic assumptions about the world that will hopefully guide my design. I do not want to define any game systems or rules at this point. I'm hoping to use this world for a variety of gaming opportunities for years to come. Heck, I don't even have a name for this place yet. Different campaigns and one-off sessions could take place in different regions and times, and development would progress as necessary to the players interests.
Anyway, on to laying out some of the assumptions:
Yesterday, I made a post about world building. Today, I'd like to talk a little more about this world I'll be developing for my future OSR gaming. In this post, I want to present some basic assumptions about the world that will hopefully guide my design. I do not want to define any game systems or rules at this point. I'm hoping to use this world for a variety of gaming opportunities for years to come. Heck, I don't even have a name for this place yet. Different campaigns and one-off sessions could take place in different regions and times, and development would progress as necessary to the players interests.
Anyway, on to laying out some of the assumptions:
- Gritty post-apocalypse fantasy
- A single point of light with much surrounding darkness
- Isolationist, self sufficient city-states.
- Deities are aloof and uncaring, if they exist at all
- Demi-humans are rare, but not unheard of, in human civilizations
Dungeons and Dragons,
World Building
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Building my world
Wow! Daily Blog Challenge post 21. Past the 2/3 point. The home stretch. The 3rd period (for hockey fans). We're almost there, folks.
Lots of ideas floating around in my head lately. One that is really sticking out right now is the idea of finally creating my own campaign setting. It's sort of a rite of passage, I suppose. Gygax had Greyhawk. Arneson had Blackmoor. Greenwood has the Realms. Bolam will have...well, I don't know yet. Those are some pretty lofty company, but that's one of the great advantages of playing table-top RPGs. You get to stand on the shoulders of giants, taking all that you have learned, and make up your own place to play.
From Wikipedia:
One key idea that I keep seeing and hearing is "start small". My idea is to start with a single, self sufficient, and slightly isolated town. The players will be from the town, and they will know a bit about nearby area. The world will be built around the players decisions. If they decide to cross the mountains, then I will develop the area beyond the mountains. If they hit the high seas, then I will develop the area beyond the ocean. Anything unrelated to the adventurers will remain in the darkness until they explore it. It doesn't matter if the players don't ever go there. Essentially this world is for me and my players, not the rest of the world. If everything goes well, together we'll develop this world and it's history.
I'm going to stick with the standard fantasy tropes. I don't see a need to rewrite everything the players might know about dragons or dwarfs, just for the sake of trying to be different. I want to come up with a few general themes and some recent history to help understand why the players are in this world and this town, but I want to keep things as simple as possible to start out.
Here's a few good resources I came across recently that might be helpful. If you know of others, post them to the comments. I'd love to see them. If you have developed a world and have it documented online, I'd like to see that too. Let me know...
Lots of ideas floating around in my head lately. One that is really sticking out right now is the idea of finally creating my own campaign setting. It's sort of a rite of passage, I suppose. Gygax had Greyhawk. Arneson had Blackmoor. Greenwood has the Realms. Bolam will have...well, I don't know yet. Those are some pretty lofty company, but that's one of the great advantages of playing table-top RPGs. You get to stand on the shoulders of giants, taking all that you have learned, and make up your own place to play.
From Wikipedia:
A campaign setting is usually a fictional world which serves as a setting for a role-playing game or wargame campaign. A campaign is a series of individual adventures, and a campaign setting is the world in which such adventures and campaigns take place. [...] many game masters create their own settings, often referred to as "homebrew" settings or worlds.Since returning to the hobby, I've played games set in Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realms, and Ravenloft. I've played in the Warhammer 40k Universe, post-post-apocalypse earth of Gamma World, the weird wild west, and the 1920s, as envisioned by Lovecraft. I haven't tried my own hand at making a world, though. It's quite a daunting task, but there are some great resources out there to help the designer along.
One key idea that I keep seeing and hearing is "start small". My idea is to start with a single, self sufficient, and slightly isolated town. The players will be from the town, and they will know a bit about nearby area. The world will be built around the players decisions. If they decide to cross the mountains, then I will develop the area beyond the mountains. If they hit the high seas, then I will develop the area beyond the ocean. Anything unrelated to the adventurers will remain in the darkness until they explore it. It doesn't matter if the players don't ever go there. Essentially this world is for me and my players, not the rest of the world. If everything goes well, together we'll develop this world and it's history.
I'm going to stick with the standard fantasy tropes. I don't see a need to rewrite everything the players might know about dragons or dwarfs, just for the sake of trying to be different. I want to come up with a few general themes and some recent history to help understand why the players are in this world and this town, but I want to keep things as simple as possible to start out.
Here's a few good resources I came across recently that might be helpful. If you know of others, post them to the comments. I'd love to see them. If you have developed a world and have it documented online, I'd like to see that too. Let me know...
- The Dungeon Master Guys Podcast episode six has a great interview with Micah Wedemeyer of Obsidian Portal. In the podcast, Micah gives a lot of great tips on what not to do with your campaign wiki, that can easily be applied to world building.
- Brandan Landgraff from d20 Source also has a great series under the title World Building 101. If you search for that phrase in the Google search widget on the site, they should pop-up.
- Michael Harrison did a series of three articles on world building on the Geek Dad section of Here's part 1, part 2, and part 3. Part 3 has a great video on using Obsidian Portal to build your campaign.
Dungeons and Dragons,
2000 More Maniacs...
Daily Blog Challenge post 20...
Yesterday's post was a bit of a cop-out, right? I just made a list movies that I thought could make for a good scenarios or adventure setting. It's not even a very long list..haha. Well, I've been trying of thinking of some ways to actually use them, and I'll likely turn them into some sort of semi-regular post of the rest of the month. The posts will mostly be loose notes and ideas on ways to use the plots, and possibly some of the characters, in different types of RPGs. There will definitely be some spoilers, so if you haven't had the "pleasure" of seeing all the films from yesterday's post yesterday, you may want to hold off on reading the posts related to those films.
Up first is the 1964 gore "masterpiece" 2000 Mainiacs, by H.G. Lewis!
Six unsuspecting Yankees are lured into Pleasant Valley, a town is in the midst of a centennial celebration. What is unknown to the Yanks, is that the events commemorate the day a band of renegade Union troops decimated the town. The townspeople seek revenge on the northerners.
In a D&D setting, the adventurers could discover a civilization thought to be long dead. It would require a little set-up. It would probably help if the players knew that a certain race or intelligent species no longer existed in the game world. It could be a background part of the campaign setting or something that is revealed in an earlier point in the plot. Try introducing the lost civilization when the adventurers are in need. Maybe they barely escaped a fight and need healing. Or they are lost in the wilderness or dungeon. Maybe they are lost in an unknown location due to some sort of teleportation trap. The adventurers can be taken in, given food, medical attention, and shelter and are generally treated as guests of honor, but something isn't right. They slowly learn that things are not what they seem, just like in Pleasant Valley.
Who are these strange creatures? What do they want with the adventurers? Where did they come from? How do they fit into the extended campaign? That's for you to decide.
Yesterday's post was a bit of a cop-out, right? I just made a list movies that I thought could make for a good scenarios or adventure setting. It's not even a very long list..haha. Well, I've been trying of thinking of some ways to actually use them, and I'll likely turn them into some sort of semi-regular post of the rest of the month. The posts will mostly be loose notes and ideas on ways to use the plots, and possibly some of the characters, in different types of RPGs. There will definitely be some spoilers, so if you haven't had the "pleasure" of seeing all the films from yesterday's post yesterday, you may want to hold off on reading the posts related to those films.
Up first is the 1964 gore "masterpiece" 2000 Mainiacs, by H.G. Lewis!
Six unsuspecting Yankees are lured into Pleasant Valley, a town is in the midst of a centennial celebration. What is unknown to the Yanks, is that the events commemorate the day a band of renegade Union troops decimated the town. The townspeople seek revenge on the northerners.
In a D&D setting, the adventurers could discover a civilization thought to be long dead. It would require a little set-up. It would probably help if the players knew that a certain race or intelligent species no longer existed in the game world. It could be a background part of the campaign setting or something that is revealed in an earlier point in the plot. Try introducing the lost civilization when the adventurers are in need. Maybe they barely escaped a fight and need healing. Or they are lost in the wilderness or dungeon. Maybe they are lost in an unknown location due to some sort of teleportation trap. The adventurers can be taken in, given food, medical attention, and shelter and are generally treated as guests of honor, but something isn't right. They slowly learn that things are not what they seem, just like in Pleasant Valley.
Who are these strange creatures? What do they want with the adventurers? Where did they come from? How do they fit into the extended campaign? That's for you to decide.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Horrific Inspirations...
Daily Blog Challenge post 19. I'm kind of at a standstill here. I'm having a hard time coming up with a topic with which to wax poetic. With that said, I really do want to stick to my plan of 30 posts in 30 days. Seems like quite an accomplishment for such a new blogger. It's not that I don't have anything game related on my mind. Not that case at all, really. The problem is that most of my players are also readers. There are a few ideas that could probably be expanded here, but they would act as spoilers for the guys, and nobody needs that, right?
I'm in the process of reading James Raggi's Death Frost Doom, right now. The adventure takes some of it's inspiration from a classic cult horror film (which I'm trying to keep secret, since I hope to run it for my crew at some point. I have a feeling knowing the inspiration might take a little from the experience). So, since I'm a bit stumped for something to write about right now, I'm just going to make a list of ridiculous horror movies that I'd someday like to rip off for some inspiration for a one-off game setting/scenario:
I'm in the process of reading James Raggi's Death Frost Doom, right now. The adventure takes some of it's inspiration from a classic cult horror film (which I'm trying to keep secret, since I hope to run it for my crew at some point. I have a feeling knowing the inspiration might take a little from the experience). So, since I'm a bit stumped for something to write about right now, I'm just going to make a list of ridiculous horror movies that I'd someday like to rip off for some inspiration for a one-off game setting/scenario:
- 2000 Mainiacs
- City of the Living Dead
- The Beyond
- House by the Cemetery
- Werewolves on Wheels
- Race with he Devil
- Versus
- Mystics in Bali (actually, I'd run a whole campaign in this universe.)
- Demons
- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (or maybe not...)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Introducing New Players
Daily Blog Challenge post 18.
I'm constantly talking about D&D around my non-game buddies. It looks like it may have paid off again. Over the past few years since getting back into the hobby, I've made sure to proudly promote the game as much as possible. I sometimes see blog posts where people talk about being uncomfortable about being a gamer. They talk about how they keep it secret from their co-workers and non-gamer friends, fearing some sort of negative reaction. It never made a whole lot of sense to me, but I'm pretty lucky. My profession (librarianship) is filled with nerds of varying degrees. The crowd I run with is already pretty nerdy, too. Many of them grew up as one of the outcasts of their respective high schools, where they learned early that they could survive with out "fitting in". Punk rockers and headbangers, record collectors and comic book readers, musicians and horror fanatics, freaks and geeks of all flavors. So, yeah, they're all pretty accepting of the whole thing. Most of them have some hazy memory of "trying" to play the game at some point...memories that mimic my early experience. It all seemed so cool, but they could never quite get to work out right.
I'm quite jealous when I hear stories of those teenage groups that ran multiple year campaigns. Those groups that got together again on Fall, Winter, and Spring break from college, to run those classic characters through one more dungeon. I didn't have that experience. I both the old box sets and some of the books, but it seemed we never got past that solo night of fun. We never quite made that next step from guys that played D&D during the sleep-over party to guys that scheduled our lives around playing the game. Then punk rock and heavy metal kind of stepped into place and the games were left behind, but that's another story, for another time, maybe.
So, I've got two new people who has progressed from humoring me while regaling of them with game stories to actually inquiring about playing. Both of them are pretty entertaining and creative, so I think they'll be a perfect fit. One of the guys, Ed, is a great writer, and has a lot of potential to be a great DM some day, I think. The other, Ben, is a freak...a total maniac, who has the potential to be a real handful at the table, but I think I'm up for that challenge. From what I know, Ben has never played the game and Ed's experiences haven't been very positive, but they both seem excited about it, so we're going to roll. I think both of them would excel in a looser system where they can use their creativity to their advantage. They'd likely find the tactical combat focus of newer editions of D&D to be stifling. They'd likely have a lot of fun with something like Hollow Earth Expedition or Savage Worlds, but since they don't really have a lot of experience with RPGs, they really just want to play "D&D" right now. I'm thinking of putting together a little dungeon delve, using Labyrinth Lord and running it as a one-shot with a couple folks from my regular gaming group (probably the others who haven't had much experience with the older editions) and see what happens.
If everything rolls as planned we might need to find a few more seats at the Tuesday night game...Any suggestions you might have for indoctrinating new players would be nice. I've been through the process a few times, but any kinds of extra hints would certainly be helpful.
I'm constantly talking about D&D around my non-game buddies. It looks like it may have paid off again. Over the past few years since getting back into the hobby, I've made sure to proudly promote the game as much as possible. I sometimes see blog posts where people talk about being uncomfortable about being a gamer. They talk about how they keep it secret from their co-workers and non-gamer friends, fearing some sort of negative reaction. It never made a whole lot of sense to me, but I'm pretty lucky. My profession (librarianship) is filled with nerds of varying degrees. The crowd I run with is already pretty nerdy, too. Many of them grew up as one of the outcasts of their respective high schools, where they learned early that they could survive with out "fitting in". Punk rockers and headbangers, record collectors and comic book readers, musicians and horror fanatics, freaks and geeks of all flavors. So, yeah, they're all pretty accepting of the whole thing. Most of them have some hazy memory of "trying" to play the game at some point...memories that mimic my early experience. It all seemed so cool, but they could never quite get to work out right.
I'm quite jealous when I hear stories of those teenage groups that ran multiple year campaigns. Those groups that got together again on Fall, Winter, and Spring break from college, to run those classic characters through one more dungeon. I didn't have that experience. I both the old box sets and some of the books, but it seemed we never got past that solo night of fun. We never quite made that next step from guys that played D&D during the sleep-over party to guys that scheduled our lives around playing the game. Then punk rock and heavy metal kind of stepped into place and the games were left behind, but that's another story, for another time, maybe.
So, I've got two new people who has progressed from humoring me while regaling of them with game stories to actually inquiring about playing. Both of them are pretty entertaining and creative, so I think they'll be a perfect fit. One of the guys, Ed, is a great writer, and has a lot of potential to be a great DM some day, I think. The other, Ben, is a freak...a total maniac, who has the potential to be a real handful at the table, but I think I'm up for that challenge. From what I know, Ben has never played the game and Ed's experiences haven't been very positive, but they both seem excited about it, so we're going to roll. I think both of them would excel in a looser system where they can use their creativity to their advantage. They'd likely find the tactical combat focus of newer editions of D&D to be stifling. They'd likely have a lot of fun with something like Hollow Earth Expedition or Savage Worlds, but since they don't really have a lot of experience with RPGs, they really just want to play "D&D" right now. I'm thinking of putting together a little dungeon delve, using Labyrinth Lord and running it as a one-shot with a couple folks from my regular gaming group (probably the others who haven't had much experience with the older editions) and see what happens.
If everything rolls as planned we might need to find a few more seats at the Tuesday night game...Any suggestions you might have for indoctrinating new players would be nice. I've been through the process a few times, but any kinds of extra hints would certainly be helpful.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
On Dungeons & Weird Tales
Daily Blog Challenge post 17. I have to admit, I've even surprised myself here. 17 blog posts in 17 days. Sure a few of them were posted a little late, and I counted a couple that didn't really have much content, but I'm still going strong and I think it's all improved the way I think about my writing. Knowing that there are at least a couple people out there reading has been helpful (as is all the positive feedback).
Speaking of which, I have to promote a blog I just discovered because the author, Shane Mangus, appeared in my Google Followers list. The blog is called Swords Against the Outer Dark, with the subtitle "Where Swords & Sorcery Gaming meets Cthuliana and Yog-Sothothery". Yowzers. Sounds perfect for the guys in my gaming group. I just took a few minutes to look over some of the posts, and it all looks very interesting. Shane is working on an OGL game which will be released as Swords Against the Outer Dark: Sword & Sanity Roleplaying. The game will utilize the Labyrinth Lord rules and Sword & Sorcery flavor combined with Mythos nastiness.
It seems like there is a growing interest in this style of gaming as of late, with the impending release of Sword & Sanity RPG and the recent release Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-playing. Personally, as a fan of both Call of Cthulhu and D&D, it seems like a natural fit to me; two great tastes that go great together. Taking cues from arguably the two most important and well known RPGs, and developing a new way to play is quite exciting. Where LotFP borrows from the weird tales, to me it still feels a lot like D&D with a twist of Weird, rather than a true blend of the two genres.. This is speaking from limited experience. I've read the books in the boxed set, the blog, and parts of the adventures Raggi has published, so I'm by no means an authority on the subject at this point. Just some first early impressions, really. If you feel significantly differently, feel free to let me know.
I have the feeling from what I've read on SAOD that Shane is looking to create a more blended game. While defining the "Sword & Sanity" role playing style, Shane, proposes the following:
Well, I gotta run to band practice, so I better wrap this up. Not much else to say right now, but I'll be sure to follow what's going on over at SAOD and keep yinz posted.
Speaking of which, I have to promote a blog I just discovered because the author, Shane Mangus, appeared in my Google Followers list. The blog is called Swords Against the Outer Dark, with the subtitle "Where Swords & Sorcery Gaming meets Cthuliana and Yog-Sothothery". Yowzers. Sounds perfect for the guys in my gaming group. I just took a few minutes to look over some of the posts, and it all looks very interesting. Shane is working on an OGL game which will be released as Swords Against the Outer Dark: Sword & Sanity Roleplaying. The game will utilize the Labyrinth Lord rules and Sword & Sorcery flavor combined with Mythos nastiness.
It seems like there is a growing interest in this style of gaming as of late, with the impending release of Sword & Sanity RPG and the recent release Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-playing. Personally, as a fan of both Call of Cthulhu and D&D, it seems like a natural fit to me; two great tastes that go great together. Taking cues from arguably the two most important and well known RPGs, and developing a new way to play is quite exciting. Where LotFP borrows from the weird tales, to me it still feels a lot like D&D with a twist of Weird, rather than a true blend of the two genres.. This is speaking from limited experience. I've read the books in the boxed set, the blog, and parts of the adventures Raggi has published, so I'm by no means an authority on the subject at this point. Just some first early impressions, really. If you feel significantly differently, feel free to let me know.
I have the feeling from what I've read on SAOD that Shane is looking to create a more blended game. While defining the "Sword & Sanity" role playing style, Shane, proposes the following:
[...]these two types of fiction are diametrically opposed. The heroes you find in Sword & Sorcery fiction are individuals that test their mettle against whatever foe steps across their path, and they always live to fight another day. In the stories of H.P. Lovecraft there really are no heroes in the truest sense of the word [...] The challenge then becomes presenting a story (or in this case a game) that has both elements of Sword & Sorcery, as well as a good dose of Yog-Sothothery, without compromising either genre.I'm curious to see how he handles this opposition in the game, both with the "fluff" and the "crunch". How will the characters differ from the standard tropes of the D&D and CoC? Could this system work as a great "What if?" scenario as in "What if TSR received the Lovecraft Mythos License, rather than Chaosium?" For more info, check out the blog and the FAQ. Consider me very excited. If I had known about the blog last week while putting together my list of OSR related blogs, SAOD would have certainly made the list. I'm not sure how Shane found me, but I'm glad he did. If you happen to read this Shane, and you need play-testers, consider this my application.
Well, I gotta run to band practice, so I better wrap this up. Not much else to say right now, but I'll be sure to follow what's going on over at SAOD and keep yinz posted.
Call of Cthulhu,
Dungeons and Dragons,
Labyrinth Lord,
Sword and Sanity
On being GM and knowing when to screw the rules
I was quite tempted to let post 16 for the Daily Blog Challenge slip by today. It's been a long one...I spent the morning reviewing library digitization grant proposals in Harrisburg, PA. We finished early, which was nice. All three of us were mostly on the same page about the proposals, so it went pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I still had a 4-hour drive in front of me...and it was raining...hard...nonstop...for all 4 hours. PA turnpike + shitty rainstorms + low visibility + big scary semi-trucks = NO FUN!!!
Fortunately there was fun to be had when I got back to the 'burgh. Our bi-weekly Call of Cthulhu game was scheduled, and because I got out of Harrisburg early, I was actually going to be there on time. Bonus points. I've mentioned it here before, but in case you were out of the loop on the whole Gutter Cult scene, we're playing through Masks of Nyarlathotep. My buddy Allen is acting as Keeper. The investigators are being run by his wife, Jen, Mark ( the DM from our Ravenloft game), and Dave, who plays in almost every other gaming I'm playing right now. Tonight's game was fun, but I was exhausted from the trip, Jen was kind of sick and I think Dave and Mark both had long days at work. Weeknight gaming can definitely be a challenge, but I think we did pretty good, at least for the first few hours. Then the fatigue started to set in...
Anyway, it took me a while, but I finally figured out what I'm trying to say here. Allen runs the game very rules-lite. None of the players have a ton of experience with the system, so we just kind of wing-it and it's been great. Certain nights it's been more of a storytelling and puzzle solving exercise than anything else. We've lost characters to mortal injury and sanity loss. We've solved a few scenarios and totally botched others. I'm fairly certain that we're not going to save the world. We're going to screw it up somehow and Nyarlathotep is going to show up and wreck shit. There are big swaths of rules we just skip over. We advance our skills every few games when Allen gives us points. We lose sanity and take damage when it makes sense, often without ever even rolling the dice. The whole thing is fast and smooth and it works. Because there is a lot of trust between the players and the Keeper, we've been able to ignore a lot of the fiddly bits. We know he is out to get us, too, because we know there are only losers when you are dealing with Elder Gods and Old Ones. That's why we signed up for this game, dammit. Everyone at the table is having fun while we're telling the story of these investigators. We know we're going to go insane and we're going to die and the world is going to get destroyed and we're having a blast while it all goes to hell!
As a person who is sometimes a bit over concerned about "the correct and incorrect" way of doing something, it took a bit of getting used to, but eventually everything clicked. I don't know if I'd run CoC, that way, but that is what makes it interesting to play with different GMs. You experience different ways of playing. I guess this post is kind of meandering, but I hope I made some kind of point. It just boils down to playing however you want to play. Rules exist for good reason, but they are also meant to be broken, ignored, rewritten, undermined, overthrown, and re-interpreted. Role-playing games should be organic, evolving to fit the needs and interests of those playing. The act of gaming should be the experience, and that can be independent of what's actually printed in any of the rule books.
Fortunately there was fun to be had when I got back to the 'burgh. Our bi-weekly Call of Cthulhu game was scheduled, and because I got out of Harrisburg early, I was actually going to be there on time. Bonus points. I've mentioned it here before, but in case you were out of the loop on the whole Gutter Cult scene, we're playing through Masks of Nyarlathotep. My buddy Allen is acting as Keeper. The investigators are being run by his wife, Jen, Mark ( the DM from our Ravenloft game), and Dave, who plays in almost every other gaming I'm playing right now. Tonight's game was fun, but I was exhausted from the trip, Jen was kind of sick and I think Dave and Mark both had long days at work. Weeknight gaming can definitely be a challenge, but I think we did pretty good, at least for the first few hours. Then the fatigue started to set in...
Anyway, it took me a while, but I finally figured out what I'm trying to say here. Allen runs the game very rules-lite. None of the players have a ton of experience with the system, so we just kind of wing-it and it's been great. Certain nights it's been more of a storytelling and puzzle solving exercise than anything else. We've lost characters to mortal injury and sanity loss. We've solved a few scenarios and totally botched others. I'm fairly certain that we're not going to save the world. We're going to screw it up somehow and Nyarlathotep is going to show up and wreck shit. There are big swaths of rules we just skip over. We advance our skills every few games when Allen gives us points. We lose sanity and take damage when it makes sense, often without ever even rolling the dice. The whole thing is fast and smooth and it works. Because there is a lot of trust between the players and the Keeper, we've been able to ignore a lot of the fiddly bits. We know he is out to get us, too, because we know there are only losers when you are dealing with Elder Gods and Old Ones. That's why we signed up for this game, dammit. Everyone at the table is having fun while we're telling the story of these investigators. We know we're going to go insane and we're going to die and the world is going to get destroyed and we're having a blast while it all goes to hell!
As a person who is sometimes a bit over concerned about "the correct and incorrect" way of doing something, it took a bit of getting used to, but eventually everything clicked. I don't know if I'd run CoC, that way, but that is what makes it interesting to play with different GMs. You experience different ways of playing. I guess this post is kind of meandering, but I hope I made some kind of point. It just boils down to playing however you want to play. Rules exist for good reason, but they are also meant to be broken, ignored, rewritten, undermined, overthrown, and re-interpreted. Role-playing games should be organic, evolving to fit the needs and interests of those playing. The act of gaming should be the experience, and that can be independent of what's actually printed in any of the rule books.
Call of Cthulhu,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Coming soon to a table near me...
It feels great to finally be caught up with post number 15 for the Daily Blog Challenge.
As I mentioned a few times in the past few weeks, my regular gaming group is taking a break from our 4e campaign. For a few of the players, this campaign was their first extended experience playing D&D of any flavor. It is also my first experience at running a campaign of this length. In the two years since the campaign started, I think we've learned a lot about our strengths and weaknesses as RPG Gamers. There are a few things that, given the opportunity, I'd go back in time and change. Right now, I feel like I've made the campaign my story, rather than the groups story. Roleplaying is pretty limited, with many of the characters being more of a set of stats on a sheet of paper with an odd quirk or two, rather than having any real personality. I think it's the nature of the world we've created. I was kind of terrified of losing control of the game. 4e is so dense with rules that it is hard (for me at least) to do anything on the fly. I've railroaded and the players went along with it. It can be easier for both sides, that is for sure.
I'm really curious how the players will react to a game which requires more roleplaying and features less tactical combat. Since I'm going to have at least a month of downtime, while Dave acts as GM for the Gamma World, I'm going to try to put together a few things together. I like the idea of putting together a few adventures using different play styles and systems. A lot of the old school systems and clones, and some of the newer pulpy systems like Savage Worlds and Hollow Earth Expedition, are rules-lite enough that the players should be able to pick up on how to play, and get a pretty good feeling for the style of play after just a session or two. Additionally, I'd like to open the table up to an extra player or two. I know a few people that are interested in checking out a game. The ongoing campaign probably isn't the best place to try to indoctrinate these guys into the hobby, but a convention style demo game over a night or two could be perfect.

Once Dave's Gamma World adventure wraps up, I'm planning on throwing together a pulpy monster hunter game using the Savage World rules and the Rippers setting. In Rippers, the players take on the role of Victorian era monster hunters, utilizing body parts from slain monsters to augment their characters, known as Rippertech. Essentially, they end up sort of like a crew of Van Helsings or the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or something.
Following the Rippers game, I think I'm going to try running one of James Raggi's adventures, most likely Death Frost Doom, using the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules set. I know that most of the players are pretty big fans of the film that inspired the adventure, which will remain nameless as to hold up the surprise for the players. I hope they get a kick out of the combination of old school D&D mixed with a creepy investigative horror.
Finally, I'm going to try running something using Hollow Earth Expedition. I think at least a couple of the players will enjoy the two-fisted pulp tales of adventure offered by the setting. The game mechanic, using the Ubiquity system, is pretty interesting. Ubiquity, which attempts to offer very cinematic game play, uses dice pools to determine successes and failures. It also stresses that the focus should be on cinematic action story telling over excessive dice rolling and has built in rewards for players who (at least attempt) to pull off exciting feats of daring. The mini demo I played at Origins this summer was a blast and I think we can have a lot of fun with it.
Depending on how those three games progress, we'll make some decisions about what is next. I want to try out Realms of Cthulhu, Low Life, and other Savage Worlds settings. Plus there are all the other OSR options like Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and Swords & Wizardry. I'm hoping to do a bit of development of a setting for each of these games, allowing us to return and play more adventures linked to the trial game, essentially setting up a sort of sandbox we can return to if we choose. I'm planning on using pre-gens, because I find that creating characters before you really understand how a game is played can be a real challenge. If we do return to any of these worlds, at that point the players would be able to create their own characters or continue to play and develop the pregen. I'd also like to turn over the reigns to other players in the group to take a shot at GMing something if they are interested.
If anyone reading has any experience running any of the games mentioned and has suggestions for making good one-shots or know of good online resources for the games, let me know. Additionally, if you have any suggestions for introducing players used to playing tactical RPGs like D&D 3.5 and 4e to less tactical games which feature role playing.
As I mentioned a few times in the past few weeks, my regular gaming group is taking a break from our 4e campaign. For a few of the players, this campaign was their first extended experience playing D&D of any flavor. It is also my first experience at running a campaign of this length. In the two years since the campaign started, I think we've learned a lot about our strengths and weaknesses as RPG Gamers. There are a few things that, given the opportunity, I'd go back in time and change. Right now, I feel like I've made the campaign my story, rather than the groups story. Roleplaying is pretty limited, with many of the characters being more of a set of stats on a sheet of paper with an odd quirk or two, rather than having any real personality. I think it's the nature of the world we've created. I was kind of terrified of losing control of the game. 4e is so dense with rules that it is hard (for me at least) to do anything on the fly. I've railroaded and the players went along with it. It can be easier for both sides, that is for sure.

Once Dave's Gamma World adventure wraps up, I'm planning on throwing together a pulpy monster hunter game using the Savage World rules and the Rippers setting. In Rippers, the players take on the role of Victorian era monster hunters, utilizing body parts from slain monsters to augment their characters, known as Rippertech. Essentially, they end up sort of like a crew of Van Helsings or the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or something.
Following the Rippers game, I think I'm going to try running one of James Raggi's adventures, most likely Death Frost Doom, using the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules set. I know that most of the players are pretty big fans of the film that inspired the adventure, which will remain nameless as to hold up the surprise for the players. I hope they get a kick out of the combination of old school D&D mixed with a creepy investigative horror.

Depending on how those three games progress, we'll make some decisions about what is next. I want to try out Realms of Cthulhu, Low Life, and other Savage Worlds settings. Plus there are all the other OSR options like Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and Swords & Wizardry. I'm hoping to do a bit of development of a setting for each of these games, allowing us to return and play more adventures linked to the trial game, essentially setting up a sort of sandbox we can return to if we choose. I'm planning on using pre-gens, because I find that creating characters before you really understand how a game is played can be a real challenge. If we do return to any of these worlds, at that point the players would be able to create their own characters or continue to play and develop the pregen. I'd also like to turn over the reigns to other players in the group to take a shot at GMing something if they are interested.
If anyone reading has any experience running any of the games mentioned and has suggestions for making good one-shots or know of good online resources for the games, let me know. Additionally, if you have any suggestions for introducing players used to playing tactical RPGs like D&D 3.5 and 4e to less tactical games which feature role playing.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Hollow Earth Expedition,
Savage Worlds,
DBloC Halfway Point
Daily Blog Challenge post number 14.
I'm still a post behind, because I got started a little late. I'm waiting for a day when I get some inspiration after I've already posted for the day, rather than trying to force something, just to catch up. So far, it hasn't been bad getting a post-a-day. I'm sure I won't be able to keep up this pace once the month is over, but it's been a great experiment. It's forced me into writing daily, and based on reactions from friends and others, I'm doing an pretty good job. Building the confidence to post your writing in public has got to be key to having a successful blog, so thanks to everyone who commented or talked to me in person.
Right now, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Harrisburg. Tomorrow, I have to review digitization grants for PA libraries. This is my fourth or fifth year acting as a reviewer, so it shouldn't be too tough. The drive is rough, though. Eight hours in the truck, back and forth, for about 6 hours of work. At least there is an Indian restaurant in the parking lot of the hotel, so I'm going to head over and check that out in a few minutes.
I guess this post doesn't really have much to do with gaming. My mind is a bit fried after GASPCon, where I played about 24 hours worth of RPGs in 48 hours, I think. 5 systems, 3 different GMs. Probably between 20 and 30 different co-players. Lots of talk of game systems and designs. Meeting new nerds from the Pittsburgh area into this stuff. It's all very exciting, but I'm still a bit burned out.
While writing this post, I did get a bit of inspiration for a new post, so I'm going to hit that Indian restaurant then I'll be back to regale you with my tales of adventure planning for the break time from my 4e game.
I'm still a post behind, because I got started a little late. I'm waiting for a day when I get some inspiration after I've already posted for the day, rather than trying to force something, just to catch up. So far, it hasn't been bad getting a post-a-day. I'm sure I won't be able to keep up this pace once the month is over, but it's been a great experiment. It's forced me into writing daily, and based on reactions from friends and others, I'm doing an pretty good job. Building the confidence to post your writing in public has got to be key to having a successful blog, so thanks to everyone who commented or talked to me in person.
Right now, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Harrisburg. Tomorrow, I have to review digitization grants for PA libraries. This is my fourth or fifth year acting as a reviewer, so it shouldn't be too tough. The drive is rough, though. Eight hours in the truck, back and forth, for about 6 hours of work. At least there is an Indian restaurant in the parking lot of the hotel, so I'm going to head over and check that out in a few minutes.
I guess this post doesn't really have much to do with gaming. My mind is a bit fried after GASPCon, where I played about 24 hours worth of RPGs in 48 hours, I think. 5 systems, 3 different GMs. Probably between 20 and 30 different co-players. Lots of talk of game systems and designs. Meeting new nerds from the Pittsburgh area into this stuff. It's all very exciting, but I'm still a bit burned out.
While writing this post, I did get a bit of inspiration for a new post, so I'm going to hit that Indian restaurant then I'll be back to regale you with my tales of adventure planning for the break time from my 4e game.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
GASPCon Day 3
Daily Blog Challenge post number 13.

Day 3 has wrapped. I made some new buddies, played a bunch of games, and got one of the best compliments I've gotten in months, I think. I was talking to John "Evernevermore" today, who ran all the games I played yesterday. I guess his girlfriend said I was the best roleplayer she played with all weekend. *Blush*. I think we played in two games together, Hackmaster and LotFP. In my limited experience gaming at cons, actually getting into the RP part of the game can be kind of difficult. You're sitting around the table with a bunch of strangers, so that can be intimidating. There is also the concern of inadvertently (or intentionally, if you are a jerk) taking the spotlight away from other players at the table. In a good game, all the players at the table will have their time to share the spotlight. So in the past week, I got props on the blog from Sean Preston at Reality Blurs and my buddy Allen, who blogs, mostly about horror films and the related, over at "The boat can leave now" (a reference to Fulci's classic Zombi 2), and now this compliment. I'm walking on cloud 9.
Labyrinth Lord - Under Xylarthen's Tower
Labyrinth Lord is a D&D clone. The game is going to be run by Tim Harper, who also runs the LL game I played on Friday and the LL Campaign at GASP game day. This session was based on a dungeon designed my Jeff Reints from Jeff's Game Blog. I've mentioned Jeff's blog on here at least once or twice before. It's a great read for anyone interested in old school gaming. This game was a triple whammy for me: Jeff Rients designed dungeon, Labyrinth Lord rules and Tim's gonzo DM style. Dave and Curt were signed up, as was Jeff from the GASP Game Day campaign. The session was a pretty standard dungeon crawl, with some interesting traps and other weirdness. Treasure was found, saves were failed, characters and retainers bit the dust, but we all had a ton of fun. Great wrap up for the RPGs of the weekend.
I also played Transamerica with Dave, Jonathan, Guy and Tim (who I met at the the Savage Worlds game yesterday). It was some kind of train game. It was kind of cool. Not exactly my thing, but it was fun. The five of us blasted through a couple rounds of Zombie Dice.
There is a huge raffle at the end of GASPCon. From what I can tell, everyone with the gold badge (people who registered for the whole weekend), and were still hanging around on Sunday, got something off the prize table. My ticket was called pretty early, so I had a pretty good variety to choose from. I snagged a copy of the Call of Cthulhu adventure book, Mansions of Madness. Pretty sweet deal! I figure I could use it for inspiration for a one off using either Call of Cthulhu or try converting them over Realms of Cthulhu.
GASPCon was a great experience all around. I can't recommend it enough. Thanks to everyone who made it happen, including the guys that ran all the games I played (aka Tim, John, and Tom)!
If you are in the Pittsburgh area and any of this sounds at all interesting to you, check out GASP Game Days. It's sort of a free, mini-con that happens once a month. Game Days occur on the second Saturday of each month starting at 11 AM and going on until midnight at Legions Hobbies and Games on Perry Hwy in the North Hills. If you have questions about GASP or GASP game day, hit me up. If I don't know the answer (I'm a newbie), I can probably direct you to the right person.

Day 3 has wrapped. I made some new buddies, played a bunch of games, and got one of the best compliments I've gotten in months, I think. I was talking to John "Evernevermore" today, who ran all the games I played yesterday. I guess his girlfriend said I was the best roleplayer she played with all weekend. *Blush*. I think we played in two games together, Hackmaster and LotFP. In my limited experience gaming at cons, actually getting into the RP part of the game can be kind of difficult. You're sitting around the table with a bunch of strangers, so that can be intimidating. There is also the concern of inadvertently (or intentionally, if you are a jerk) taking the spotlight away from other players at the table. In a good game, all the players at the table will have their time to share the spotlight. So in the past week, I got props on the blog from Sean Preston at Reality Blurs and my buddy Allen, who blogs, mostly about horror films and the related, over at "The boat can leave now" (a reference to Fulci's classic Zombi 2), and now this compliment. I'm walking on cloud 9.
Labyrinth Lord - Under Xylarthen's Tower
Labyrinth Lord is a D&D clone. The game is going to be run by Tim Harper, who also runs the LL game I played on Friday and the LL Campaign at GASP game day. This session was based on a dungeon designed my Jeff Reints from Jeff's Game Blog. I've mentioned Jeff's blog on here at least once or twice before. It's a great read for anyone interested in old school gaming. This game was a triple whammy for me: Jeff Rients designed dungeon, Labyrinth Lord rules and Tim's gonzo DM style. Dave and Curt were signed up, as was Jeff from the GASP Game Day campaign. The session was a pretty standard dungeon crawl, with some interesting traps and other weirdness. Treasure was found, saves were failed, characters and retainers bit the dust, but we all had a ton of fun. Great wrap up for the RPGs of the weekend.
I also played Transamerica with Dave, Jonathan, Guy and Tim (who I met at the the Savage Worlds game yesterday). It was some kind of train game. It was kind of cool. Not exactly my thing, but it was fun. The five of us blasted through a couple rounds of Zombie Dice.
There is a huge raffle at the end of GASPCon. From what I can tell, everyone with the gold badge (people who registered for the whole weekend), and were still hanging around on Sunday, got something off the prize table. My ticket was called pretty early, so I had a pretty good variety to choose from. I snagged a copy of the Call of Cthulhu adventure book, Mansions of Madness. Pretty sweet deal! I figure I could use it for inspiration for a one off using either Call of Cthulhu or try converting them over Realms of Cthulhu.
GASPCon was a great experience all around. I can't recommend it enough. Thanks to everyone who made it happen, including the guys that ran all the games I played (aka Tim, John, and Tom)!
If you are in the Pittsburgh area and any of this sounds at all interesting to you, check out GASP Game Days. It's sort of a free, mini-con that happens once a month. Game Days occur on the second Saturday of each month starting at 11 AM and going on until midnight at Legions Hobbies and Games on Perry Hwy in the North Hills. If you have questions about GASP or GASP game day, hit me up. If I don't know the answer (I'm a newbie), I can probably direct you to the right person.
board games,
Call of Cthulhu,
Dungeons and Dragons,
Labyrinth Lord,
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